Thanks this is great.. 

I am going to work on the startup scripts. When I said that I was good with 
seeing the information, I didn't mean that I was satisfied with the look/result 
and was going to stop working on the project. I have been spending a good bit 
of time on the project so far and was seeing little to no results. 

When I got started with the "non .war" file it was simply because I am a newbie 
and was using a cookbook approach with the GeoServer from an article which gave 
this as a way to do the work. 

I set up my map from my "localhost" and have it up on my VPS now. I can make 
basic queries to my GeoServer setup. 

If I got out and get the .war file where would you suggest that I install it on 
my VPS? Currently I have it in: "/usr/share/geoserver-2.0.2" 

The one annoying thing that is happening with my map right now, is that I can 
see the map, but several of my shapefiles do not come through. Instead I get 
increasing shades of pink for the different shapefiles which I have on the map. 

The frustrating thing is that when I open my GeoServer for my IP address, I can 
preview all of the shapefiles and imagery I have loaded on the VPS. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Galpin" <> 
Cc:, "Senthil" <> 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 11:55:28 PM 
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] HELP, Setting up a Linux based GeoServer.. 

Andy, the startup scripts are in /etc/init.d 

They are controlled by symbolic links to those files under /etc/rc*.d for the 
various runlevels (for both starting and stopping) but you probably want to use 
something like sysv-rc-conf to enable or disable them. This should do it to 
stop tomcat starting automatically: 

sysv-rc-conf tomcat off 

I still maintain you are better off long term running tomcat instead of 
geoserver standalone though. 


On Dec 26, 2010, at 4:49 PM, wrote: 


That worked, I now have GeoServer showing as working.. 

I can see the demo layers and, run them in a demo map with a query. 

Now, I am still not certain whether or not I should try to use the .war version 
or not. I only have a map so far with a point layer which will show associated 
pictures based upon a value from one of the attributes of my shapefile. 

I can see where you are refering to the one process "tomcat(process id 1989)" 
in the email below. 

However, this is a great step forward. Just seeing the information is good for 

Where should I look for those startup scripts? 

Andy Davis. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Galpin" < > 
To: "Senthil" < > 
Cc: , 
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 12:39:04 PM 
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] HELP, Setting up a Linux based GeoServer.. 

Yes, get one working and then we can help get your startup scripts figured out. 
In a general sense I'd recommed using the .war version with tomcat which will 
allow you to host other things on the same box. Remove the '-' from the ps 
arguments to get rid of that message telling you it doesn't need/like it. 


On Dec 26, 2010, at 4:11 AM, Senthil wrote: 

Hi Andy 

As you seen from your screen capture, 

There are two process running. GeoServer(process id 2158) and tomcat(process id 

As long as you want to use geoserver standalone version than war file. What you 
need to do that kill both processes and start geoserver and check. I am not 
sure how tomcat autostart and any other application deployed there. Next time 
server restarts, you may need to stop manually or change your boot script to 
not start at boot. 

To kill both processes, you kill command as below 
kill -9 2158 
kill -9 1989 
then start geoserver with startup script. 

Hope this helps 


On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 2:33 PM, < > wrote: 



I restarted PuTTy, and ran the commands from a cut/paste. 

Welcome to Ubuntu! 
* Documentation: 
Last login: Sat Dec 25 19:29:57 2010 from 
r...@geogoshen:~# netstat -anp | grep 8080 
tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 1989/java 
r...@geogoshen:~# ps -auxwww | grep geoserver 
Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See 
root 2158 0.2 9.3 452136 96184 pts/0 Sl+ 18:28 0:10 
-Djava.awt.headless=true -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY geoserver -jar start.jar 
root 2414 0.0 0.0 1860 604 pts/1 S+ 19:35 0:00 grep --color=auto geoserver 

r...@geogoshen:~# ps -auxww | grep java 
Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See 
tomcat6 1989 0.0 4.4 267460 45492 ? Sl 18:27 0:02 
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java -Djav 
-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx128M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC 
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/share/tomcat6/endorsed -classpath 
/usr/share/tomcat6/bin/bootstrap.jar -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat6 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start 
root 2158 0.2 9.3 452136 96184 pts/0 Sl+ 18:28 0:10 
-Djava.awt.headless=true -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=geoserver -jar start.jar 
root 2416 0.0 0.0 1860 604 pts/1 S+ 19:36 0:00 grep --color=auto java 

I am unsure of what this is saying, but I can see in the GeoServer startup 
where the line: 
"6980 [main] WARN org.mortbay.log - failed selectchannelconnec...@ Address Already inuse". 

Andy Davis 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Galpin" < > 

Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2010 6:52:40 PM 
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] HELP, Setting up a Linux based GeoServer.. 

The spaces are important in the commands, and you stripped all of them. Try cut 
and paste what I wrote. Not to muddle the issue, but you can type 

man <commandname> 

to get a manual page for the command. So 

man ps 

Merry Christmas (light snow flurries this AM here) 

On Dec 25, 2010, at 6:44 PM, wrote: 


Thanks for the advice, I am new at this. I tried the 
reboot of my VPS, and then logged back in with PuTTy and hit the startup 
command again. 

things look the same with 
"25 Dec 18:18:55 INFO [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - ConfigurationLoader 

as the last line. This is the same as before. 

I then tried the 
"ps-aux www|grep geoserver" and hit the "Enter" key. Nothing happened. So.. 

I tried the "ps-aux www|grep java" and nothing happened. 

In fact when I type anything in the PuTTy dialog box after I startup GeoServer, 
nothing happens at all. 

I am still getting the error "geoserver" not available. error. 

Maybe I am trying this in the wrong application. My output window (PuTTy) is 
where I am attempting to do this. Since I am new to this I do not know exactly 
what the "ps-aux www|grep " commands were supposed to do for me. 

Advice is still welcome... :) 

I saw snow to day for the first time in my life on Christmas Day (42yrsold) 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Galpin" < > 
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 6:04:37 PM 
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] HELP, Setting up a Linux based GeoServer.. 

Andy the log messages say something is already running on port 8080. It might 
be your previous attempt. If you get stuck, just reboot and try again, but 
something like 

ps -auxww | grep java 


ps -auxwww | grep geoserver 

Should show you the process id and you can kill it with 

kill <process id> 

If this doesn't stop it gracefully, 'kill -9 <process id>' will for sure. 

You can see if something is listening on port 8080 with 

netstat -anp | grep 8080 

hth and Merry Christmas, 

On Dec 24, 2010, at 8:00 AM, wrote: 

Thanks for the reply, 

I have attempted the install with a file and have had no results. It 
appears that the file did not have a 

"sh" file inside it anywhere I could see. So.. 

I removed GeoServer 2.0.2, and then reinstalled the .zip file from 

unzipped the file to the "/usr/share/" directory in my VPS. and after all of 
the unpacking text ran by, navigated to the folder 
"/usr/share/geoserver-2.0.2/bin" and ran the "sh" command. 

Now it seems that my GEOSERVER_HOME envirionment variable is set correctly, but 
it appears GeoServer is not fully activated. 

when I try to go to the I get a 404 error: 

description The requested resource (/geoserver/) is not available. 

I am attaching the output which I see from PuTTy for any assistance it may 

Andy Davis... 

PS.. Merry Christmas.. 


I combined your reply to me about the Geoserver environment variable with your 
reply below; they are most likely related and it's best to keep things on the 
list anyway. 

Did you get beyond the GEOSERVER_HOME issue? If so, but you are still having 
trouble starting it, please post your log from a fresh startup. 

If you are still having trouble with GEOSERVER_HOME try launching using 
something like: 

# export GEOSERVER_HOME=/usr/local/geoserver-2.0.2 
# chmod u+x /usr/local/geoserver/bin/ 


Andrew Davis wrote: 
> Hi folks, 
> I am trying to start up a GeoServer implementation on a Linux based 
> VPS. I am running Unbunto 10.04, and using this article 
> linux-ge oserver-box.html 
> as my guide. 
> When I pass the command "sh" to my VPS (through PuTTy) I see 
> similar text flash by to my own internal (localhost). My guide article 
> says that the last line should be something like: "Started 
> selectchannelconnec...@0.0.0:8080" 
> However, on my local (laptop localhost) and my VPS the last line is: 
> "INFO [LAYER.TileLayerDispatcher] - ConfigurationLoader completed" 
> I have tried on my VPS to go to the following URL: 
> " " and all I get is the 404 error 
> saying the requested resource (/geoserver) is not available. 
> I can see my apache running.. 

Andrew Davis wrote: 
> I <snip> have a new GeoServer-2.0.2 in my "/usr/share" directory. 
> when I try to run "sh" I get the following error "The 
> GEOSERVER_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly" 
> I have tried it defined as: 
> GEOSERVER_HOME="/usr/share/geoserver-2.0.2" and 
> GEOSERVER_HOME=/usr/share/geoserver-2.0.2 
> Any advice would be appreciated.. 


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