Hi List,

In QGIS it is possible to style a raster in such a way that QGIS will take the 
values of the cells in CURRENT mapcanvas view, and based on the found min/max 
(in that area) create the colormap classes.

To do something like this in Geoserver I googled a community extension:


But (without testing) I wanted to ask here if:
- I really need the extension, or I can do without and just use a standard sld 
(if yes, plz any examples?)
- to me it looks like this extension only works with the TOTAL min/max and not 
the dynamic min/max of current request?
(based on this quote: "A preliminar gdalinfo -stats command needs to be run 
against the coverages in order to create the PAM Auxiliary file containing 
statistics and metadata.")

Attached a minified QGIS settings/example, which I hope will pass attachement 
limits... Saving that as SLD results in fixed ColorMapEntries...

Thanks for any pointers.


Richard Duivenvoorde

Geoserver-users mailing list

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