I've inherited a Geoserver (2.0.3) with a 12 level imagepyramid. The Envelope2D 
associated with each level gets smaller and smaller as the scale decreases 
(this is how the customer wants it) but this gives a strange behavior in 

I'm using EPSG:2400 and the pyramidlayer has a boundingbox of 1209958.0, 
6311936.0 1426227.2, 6654361.6 and the scales 819.2, 409.6, 204.8 ... 0.8, 0.4

By setting Geoserver to verbose logging I found the following behavior.

1. Look at layer at scale 204.8 within its bounds as described in its 
.properties file.
2. Geoserver renders the layer correct.
3. Now pan the map out of the levels bound, Geoserver steps up one layer and 
renders the image with files from the 409.6 layer which gets scaled into place 
(which looks really bad, 
http://decerno-app02.redbridge.se/~decerno/geoserver-pyramid-problem.PNG). Note 
that I did not zoom the map at all. Just pan it.

I guess that this might be as designed (and that all layers in the pyramid 
should have the same Envelop2D), but I (my customer) assumed that the missing 
images in layer 204.8 wouldn't be rendered but instead been drawn with the 
background color.

Note: I just realized that at some levels it seems to work as I assume it to. 
All the area outside of the current levels Envelope2D becomes white.

Thank you for any help or explanation to this behavior. 
Lukas Johansson

RSA(R) Conference 2012
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