Re: [Geoserver-users] geowebcache misaligned

2011-09-07 Thread Rahkonen Jukka
Hi, Impossible to say with this information, but I have managed to get such a result by using accidentally different settings for GeoWebCache and on the OpenLayers side for out own tileset grid. I would check first that the OpenLayers maxExtent and resolutions suit with GWC. But if you are usin

[Geoserver-users] geowebcache misaligned

2011-09-06 Thread Robert Buckley
Hi, I am trying to serve a layer through geowebcache. The layer is defined as EPSG:4326 and comes from a Postgis store. OpenLayers defines the map as EPSG:900913 (Google Mercator) when the layer in served with geowebcache it is missaligned. I have changed the map projection to 4326, 900913 and