Hello, I'm having some issues with the "recalculate" coveragestore feature and imagemosaics. Currently I created an imagemosaic store with a geotiff using the geoserver UI. When I POST another geotiff to the imagemosiac coveragestore with the "recalculate=nativebbox, latlonbbox" parameter I can see the imagemosaic is updated but the native and latlon bounding box in the coveragestore is not. I have read in some past user questions that the coveragestore is not updated on purpose because it is expensive and users have to PUT a new coverage definition (which works). However, when I read the 2.14.x documentation it seems as though the recalculate parameter should automatically update the native and lat/lon bounding box for the imagemosaic coverage. Is this true?
This is the URL I am POSTing where the new geotiff location is in the body. http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/<ws>/coveragestores/<cs>/external.imagemosaic?recalculate=nativebbox, latlonbbox http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/rest/api/coveragestores.html Thanks Dominique
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