
I'm not that good at regex, and I don't really understand what the spec is, to define the regex for time-enabled imagemosaics.
In the tutorials, you find two standard cases :
- the 'snow_20091001.tif' case where the pattern is [0-9]{8}
- the 'gfs50kmTemperature20130310T180000000Z_0600.000_.tiff' case where the pattern is said to be regex=[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{9}Z(\?!.\*[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{9}Z.\*) I don't really understand how this one works (even if it seems obvious to whom wrote the tutorial (http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/tutorials/imagemosaic_timeseries/imagemosaic_time-elevationseries.html)

Can someone give me some hints about how to make my own regexes for the imagemosaic ? For example, what if I have files having their time pattern as yymmdd, like 140912.tif ?
Or time pattern like yymmdd_hhmm like 140912_1040.tif ?
An obvious workaround will be to rename my files to make them match one of the patterns used in the tutorials, but apart from that, I'd like to understand how it works.



*Jean Pommier -- pi-Geosolutions*

Ingénieur, consultant indépendant

Tél. : (+33) 6 09 23 21 36
E-mail : j...@pi-geosolutions.fr
Web : www.pi-geosolutions.fr

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