Rob Atkinson a écrit :
> If my understanding is right, you are proposing a basic building block
> for coverage implementations to allow a configurable metadata handler
> through an XML schema.
Yes. The "interface" (in the sense of XML schema) that we have to agree upon is
the IIOMetadataFormat im
Thanks Martin, excellent explanation.
I'm very comfortable with what you propose - and I hope this explanation
makes it clearer for everyone - I suspect not many would have had the
time or motivation to try to see basic the implications.
If my understanding is right, you are proposing a bas
Andrea Aime a écrit :
>> SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 0.0]
> If the original dataset is based on WGS84, then the trasformation would
> include some compensation for the difference between the original
> ellipsoid and the destination sphere, or not?
> The "Google Projection" is made so tha
Rob Atkinson a écrit :
> My thought, and it was confirmed in some discussions with Bryce and also
> some private conversations with people involved in the DEWS project that
> was looking at NetCDF, is that metadata is what you get when you take a
> Feature view of a coverage.
Probably, it make
Martin Desruisseaux ha scritto:
> Andrea Aime a écrit :
>> I get a good result by using the attached class plus the following
>> wkt definiton:
>> 13=(...snip...)SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],
>> The attached class seems to do the trick, thought it would
>> be probably much mo
* The only thing new in "coverageio" and "coverageio-netcdf" unsupported
modules at this time is the XML schema for geographic metadata in rasters,
in the spirit of "GML in JPEG 2000" OGC specification. There is no new
Java API at this time. There is a bunch of support classes
Chris Holmes a écrit :
> And then to Getools lists, what is the nD coverage interface that you're
> working against? Have you come up with something new? Has there been
> discussion on geotools and a concrete proposal? I assume that PostGRID
> is then implementing an interface that other impleme
Andrea Aime a écrit :
> I get a good result by using the attached class plus the following
> wkt definiton:
> 13=(...snip...)SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],
> The attached class seems to do the trick, thought it would
> be probably much more compact if Mercator1SP could be