On 12/15/2017 08:50 AM, Mark Prins wrote:
Broken isn't a very well defined state, it's quite a valid use case to
have (valid ofcourse) urls pointing all over the place.
Fair enough.:)
wrt following redirects; as geotools is still on an old version of
apache httpclient which doesn't provide
Looking at the config, it seems like they should be being sent to the list
- geotools-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
I have a theory - is the email the notifications are being sent from not
subscribed to the GeoTools Devel list? (Is there any way to check the list
of subscribed emails?)
Nick - I'm p
2017-12-13 6:02 GMT+01:00 Jim Hughes :
> Hi all,
> So I'm slow on the uptake tonight... In the event that the remote server
> is a GeoServer, then the Global settings proxy base url (
> http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/configuration/glob
> alsettings.html#proxy-base-url) can be set to s