Thanks for doing this up as a proposal, it really helps with discussion.

I did not think that MarkFactory or ExternalGraphicFactory needed to be
aware of priority as this is handled by FactoryRegistry; but you are
correct none of the existing implementations extend AbstractFactory.

Your proposal is on MarkFactory; do you need a similar change for

I am not quite sure how MarkFactoriesProcessor  is intended to work:

   - processFactories( Iterator<MarkFactory> factories ):
   Processing an iterator on the fly is good, it amounts to doing pair wise
   ordering, or a comparator, which is already supported by FactoryRegistry.
   - priority(): int
   What is the int for? Is it to order between competing instances
   of MarkFactoriesProcessor ?

My hesitation is seeing more than one way to do things, especially if it is
a one-off for a specific factory.  So I would like to see what the
limitation you are running into with the existing setup, and if your
proposal is an improvement we could do it for all FactoryFinders. We can
look at other factory finders for examples of helper methods used to
address common challenges (factory iterator providers for injecting
instances,  establishing pairwise ordering
...). I know that establishing pairwise ordering is a pain, and there is
already a helper method that takes a comparator
to make this easier.

Checking your proposal you reference propose changing the code here

*Iterator<MarkFactory> it = DynamicSymbolFactoryFinder.getMarkFactories();*

I would ask instead that you change DynamicSymbolFactoryFinder directly;
that interface is already responsible for SPI discovery,

Here is a proposed alternative approach:

1. Leave StyleFactory alone (it already has too much logic) and
trust DynamicSymbolFactoryFinder.getMarkFactories() to respect your
ordering, especially since you are trying to work around how factory
discovery is based on classpath order.

2. Create a method DynamicSymbolFactoryFinder setMarkFactoryOrder(
Comparator<MarkFactory> comparator ):

    public static synchronized Iterator<MarkFactory> setMarkFactoryOrder(
Comparator<MarkFactory> comparator ) {
        getServiceRegistry().setOrdering( MarkFactory.class, comparator );

4. This calls FactoryRegister.setOrdering( category, comparator )
should do the trick.

Jody Garnett
GeoTools-Devel mailing list

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