GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2023-11-21Attending


   Torben Barsballe

   Jukka Rahkonnen

   Jody Garnett

   Andrea Aime

Actions from prior meetings:


   Write up funding + sponsorship for geoserver 2024

   [DONE] Send Jitsi proposal to mailing list



   Wicket 8/9 update

   WMS InvalidDimensionException

   GeoServer 2.24.1

   OSGeo Budget 2024


   State of GeoTools



Wicket 8/9 update

This is on the Java 17 / Jakarta EE objectives:


   257 files modified

   we should try and merge such a bug change soon to prevent lots of

   brad has been rebasing against main consistently

Status update:


   Brad has been pushing to get an update to Wicket
   (wow Brad that is amazing)

   Wicket 8 update basically going (wow)

      we need users to test every page manually :)

      Can we get to Wicket 9 before asking help testing

Model dialogs are deprecated:


   the replacement is similar, does not have buttons, borders etc…


   could we switch to another full “sub” page? too much…

   moving on …

When Wicket 9 is passing tests and QA;


   then we will need to ask users to test nightly builds? Not too many
   people depend on that …

   jody recommends making a milestone release “off the branch” for public

   organize test of every page is going to be interesting

WMS InvalidDimensionException

Andrea sent an email to the development list.


   recommended approach makes sense

   hesitations: always uncomfortable changing behavior, even if correct, in
   existing systems

   provide a “system property” flag to go back to previous behavior if
   needed for older systems

   results “opt in fix” on stable and maintenance

Q: How was this found?
Report that the tile cache was saving empty tiles on invalid tiles
GeoServer 2.24.1

Jody would like to start the release train this week (see PKCE topic below).


   any reports / regressions / etc… in our way? Not sure double check user



   Andrea is waiting on one month cool down for raster attribute table

   Jody was interested in small improvement to startup.bat to recognize
   “jdk” folder as JAVA_HOME

OSGeo Budget 2024

OSGeo budget call out has happened on

GeoTools is ready (please double check my work):


GeoServer needs a response:


   Emphasis the Jakarta-EE update:

   Can we have a volunteer to write this? It is a sponsorship call out …

   We can identify the opportunities now

   This can be combined with the blog post call out for Jakarta-EE

      communicate the deadlines October 24, and December 24

      spring oauth2 client rewrite can be a distinct goal

      wicket upgrade is a distinct goal brad has already started
      (wicket 10 needs to be schedule_

      Push ImageN to GeoTools roadmap


   - may relax about supporting Java 11 longer
   (that is new).


   The spring-framework December 2024 deadline is the real hard one.


There is a draft PR:


   GEOS-11209 <>

This is an adaptive change; but needed to make some protected methods to
State of GeoTools

Jody has a presentation next week:


   When was the last State of GeoTools? A long time … 2011? Something from

   What big changes:

      Java 8 -> Java 11

      opengis -> org.geotools.api transition

      QA improvements have been a big shift, auto-formatting 🙂

      unsupported module churns

      we are basically down to GeoServer as downstream contributors

      Selection of new features over the years: css styling etc…

   Going emphasis the roadmap: ImageN, Java 17, stuff

Chit Chat



   Graticule support; not a direction, generate lines on the fly …

   smart on-the-fly datastore thing …

   interesting that the geoserver decorator approach is not considered;
   reason is to take advantage of the styling engine control and allow

   advantage is ability to “download” the lines

   similar to DGGS generating hexagons :)

   community modules → core → include in sample “data directory”
   (good combo with ne data examples)

Security stuffs:

   Seeking service providers for 2024

Any use for budget:


   sponsor marlin again? Andrea motion on the email 🙂

Latest Marlin release fixes this common issue:
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