GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2024-04-23Attending


   Torben Barsballe

   Andrea Aime

   Jody Garnett

   Jukka Rahkonnen

   Peter Smythe

Actions from prior meetings:


   [DONE] Andrea: send an email for the release manager

   [DONE] (no response yet) Jody: Reach out to Jo Cook (Astun) regarding
   core contributor status

   [DONE] Jody: Propose adjustments to contributor policy requiring
   interaction on an individual (not organization) level



   Crazy issue with Azure blobstore, and how to prevent it

   GRIB backwards compatibility broken (with silver lining)

   Mkdocs conversion getting it moving again

   GSIP 224 discussion

   Roadmap communication and chit-chat



   Jody: Make a PR for GSIP 224

   Peter: Make a similar proposal for GeoTools

   Jody: Make a PR for geoserver-users transition to discourse

Crazy issue with Azure blobstore, and how to prevent it

GWC Report makes a massive amount of requests
<> to Azure blob


   Deleting a layer / gridset resulted in an infinite loop due to a …
   jackson upgrade resulting in a regression

   API uses JSON, we use jackson to parse the JSON including the token to
   page through results … and token was null when reaching the end

   Jackson upgrade changed null to empty string, so infinite loop

Can we run tests?


   There is a cost (paid account), but for an infinite loop this would be
   expensive …


   emulator + client library are a matched set

   so we need to migrate to newer client library to make use of the API

   Azure / S3 / etc… all have this lack of infrastructure to test against

There is a public ticket here, but has not attracted interest / fix…


   33000 requests per min is expensive!

   Fix was to check for empty string

This is a good example of where the PSC can ask for funding?


   Would have to set a hard limit of build server use (for each day a
   specific number of calls etc…)

   This is also an example of shared risk, someone found the 33000 requests
   per min and reported it (so it was available for others to see and work on).

   So we could estimate the cost to setup a “cloud infrastructure” testing …

GRIB backwards compatibility broken (with silver lining)


   Follow on to this from a few meetings ago …

   Manual upgrade process documented
   (also for GeoTools

      Can kind of guess and rewrite the variable names

      But the time format changes so still some risk..

      We do expect time format to change once again (hopefully before
      September release cycle)

   With all this … success we are now on a supported version netCDF library

      Quite a bit faster (example 20x), especially on a network …

mkdocs conversion getting it moving again


   Jody is back from travel and available to work on this again

   available on pypi:

   tested by Andrea, can make it run, however breaking on pandoc

      jody is using pandoc 3.1.7 (installed via homebrew)

         latest is 2 weeks ago: pandoc 3.1.13 (pip only has up to 2.3, Mint
         up to 2.9)

   GeoCat will provide a tester to help with the remaining A/B testing

Examples of the kind of RST fixes to expect:


   closed: applied fixes
   (yet to be backported)

   open: pending rst fixes

GSIP 224 discussion

GSIP 224 clarification about be grateful to companies (while explaining
that commit access is extended to individuals):

GeoServer is grateful that organizations of all shapes and sizes support
our project with in-kind participation of their employees. Extending commit
access is made to individuals directly based on their expertise
demonstrated over time.

Proposal is approved


   Jody will take an action to make a PR for GSIP224

   Peter to make a similar proposal for GeoTools

Roadmap communication and chit-chat

2024 Q1:

2024 Q2: jody is considering making another news announcement.


   goal would be to emphasis the in-kind contributions / commitment

   any progress…

   fundraising progress … not very much sadly

Q: What roadmap items can be worked on now?


   As spring-framework upgrade is “stuck” pending funding / in-kind?

spring-security / spring-oauth-client upgrade:


   this work can happen *now* no need to wait…

   GeoCat asks if there are interested parties to work on this activity?

   Considering in-kind participation if others are willing…

   aside: email with Andreas Watermeyer offering to work on the upgrade. No
   status update since January



   Upgrade to Wicket 9 can happen now no need to wait…

   Brad has made a lot of progress towards Wicket 9

   GeoCat will offer in-kind A/B testing which we understand is needed

   Open: Brad asked for assistance with the WicketDialog rewrite

      Or can just suppress its deprecation for Wicket 9, and do the work
      for Wicket 10…

   Q: Is anyone available to organize / plan with respect to the release

      Andrea prefers to merge close to September (to avoid extra backport

      Andrea has been keeping this up to date with main



   Java 17 is upset running JAI due to javax package

   This is also something that can be worked on now, no need to wait ..

   In-kind thus far:

      GeoCat is interested in this one also, provided it is a good time

      Andrea made some roadmap planning ideas on JAI-EXT

Q: Mass reformat with Palantir?


   Still a good idea, wait until after Wicket upgrade :D

Q: What about discourse?



      nice it works with OSGeo User ID

      OSGeo user ID login did not work for Peter

      nice it works with GitHub


      modern / looks / better


      github discussions is okay, with any discussions occurring closer to
      development. May be a good replacement for geoserver-devel …

Discussion: how to replace the email list?


   email subscribers switch from sourceforge to discourse

      get a feed of emails similar to mailman, and an address to reply to …

   not sure we can test this on staging? It was disabled …

What can we expected:


   Does not really help with engagement, but helps lower a barrier to

   OSM took about a month to make the transition:

SAC joins the chat


   They could set up a mirror from sourceforge …

      Setup an email address and subscribe it to sourceforge…

      Send email to discourse and it would not send to sourceforge…

   Q: How do they sign up discourse geoserver-users?

      1. Setup a “geoserver-users” group

      2. Allow users to join freely …

      3. The group is

      4. Associate a user with the group, so that
      email sent to this address is added to the discourse group

Actions: Make a proposal?


   Define a date to shut off email list?

   Setup production

   Keep both running for a month, use this as an oppertunity to remind
   people to transition …

   Collect a mailman dump for the month of overlap, and re-update discouse

   Shut off source forge

How to transition as an individual:


   Login to discourse using (github / osgeo userid / oauth)

   Register to the group

      You automatically watch the group you join and get email notifications

      You can reply to email from

      Just like a mailing list …

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