+1 for rotating the meeting.

All voting is already conducted on the mailing lists, as it should be, 
to keep everything open and transparent. Only minor issues are handled 
informally. Nothing else can be formally agreed in a PMC / PSC meeting 
until all voting members have had a chance to vote. If any issue is 
mistakenly treated as minor, anyone can object and require further 
discussion or a vote. This is the purpose of the meeting notes. Nothing 
is binding until an open vote.

-0 on requiring PMS / PSC attendance. This might not be possible for 
some. We can encourage attendance, but in my view only voting is mandatory.

Kind regards,

On 15/06/16 21:18, Simone Giannecchini wrote:
> Dear All,
> First of all I apologize for the crossposting.
> I wanted to discuss alternatives for PSC meetings in order to be able
> to attend (and same goes for the other people on this side of the
> world).
> First thing first, there is no way to find a decent time that would
> fit all the interested parties, we tried to find one and we failed.
> The suggestion I have is as follows:
> - rotate hours for the meetings, once we keep the current one, once we
> change it to a time where it would fit for EU
> - voting happens only on the mailing list
> - in specific cases we can ask the PSC to participate to one of the meetings
> This is of course suboptimal, but I believe it's a starter.
> Looking forward to reading your feedback.
> Regards,
> Simone Giannecchini
> ==
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