GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2015-02-03


Andrea Aime
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jody Garnett
Kevin Smith


- Release schedule
- Security proposal and GeoFence integration
- new committers / community modules
- feedback on the beta
- foss4g-na
- gwc

Actions from last meeting

- GeoServer 2.6.2 / GeoTools 12.2 email

Action items

JG: hunt down draft blog post for GeoTools 13-beta
JG: Add Torbien for GT commit (PropertyDataStore)
JG: Add Travis for GT commit (CSVDataStore)
Ben: Ask the user list for feedback on beta (WPS and color-blending)
JG: Update home page to list new books
Ben: Ask Niels about WFS complex schema pull request

Release schedule

Feb 18th

* 2.5.5 / 11.5 coming up (last one!) (Kevin/Torbien)
* 2.7-RC1 / 13-RC1 (Ben/Jody)

Aside: We may not of sent email / blog post. Travis had a draft blog 
post we need to publish.

No concurrent releases. Tom on the email list was looking at this.

Security proposal and GeoFence integration


- Jody could not see a way to simplify
- Anyone else available to comment


- GeoSolutions would like to help fast track integration of GeoFence.
- Target a limited port (strip of GWT UI, do REST API later)
- Add a wicket UI
- Left with an h2 backed security (jdbc based)
- Target 2.8.x
- concern that Niel's proposal would cover 50% of what GeoFence would 
cover and both would land in 2.8.x
- can look into collaboration with Niels

New committers / community modules

Tile stuff. Early days, wait for initial pull request.

Torbien: Jody nominated, waiting for votes on this .. PropertyDataStore 
is a supported datastore (so this is for "real" commit access). Jody 
will add to github.

Travis: community module CSVDataStore (it was a bit of a mess when it 
arrived from GeoServer). Good to go.

Feedback on the beta

- Css deadlock? fixed ... was actualy in the GeoServer style handlers
- Plenty of feedback, handled most of it (some great examples from 
german spatial agency)
- No feedback on the color-blending. Idea: add to style cookbook or 
tutorial? Seems to have a tutorial already ...
- Idea: add css support for color-blending
- No feedback on WPS clustering
- Jukka has been testing IE 7 issues (closing them if they are fixed on 
IE 10)


Need publicity on this one :) Anything we can do will help.


Discussion on workspace / style parameters. Seems to be okay, Andrea is 
modifying a pull request.

Pull Request Review
- IanT did not manage to get it in in time (sad). Merge to master after 
RC1 is released. And then backport later.
- DataUtilities check for windows. Merged. Ben stopped complaining.
- Jody has reviewed, good to go.
- Andrea will check as Travis is a new committer
- one test != extensive :)
- unsupported module, merge when ready.
- looks at parse complex features
- large pull request got stuck behind feature freeze in august
- Ben is going to think about this
- aside: Sampo owes us some docs

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
Transient Software <>
New Zealand

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