GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2021-06-22Attending

   - Torben Barsballe
   - Andrea Aime
   - Patric Way
   - Jody Garnett

Actions from last meeting:


   [DONE] Torben: Add details on Cite Cleanup discussion to list

   [DONE] Torben: Add monthly docker system prune job to Jenkins

   Discuss removal of stale community modules on mailing list, then update

   [FAILED] Jody: Try a scheduled delete/rebuild of S3 docs, to clean up
   dangling pages



   OpenRewrite introductions

   GeoServer 2.18.4 release status update

   i18n GSIP update

   Windows installer update

   S3 Docs

   CITE tests, merging?



   Test windows installer

OpenRewrite introductions

Introduction from Patrik, cool project :)


   Looking at 4-5 migration, close enough to consider doing the rest by hand

   Smaller recipes

      Removing diamond operators

      Removing unneeded throwables

Andrea: describe QA checks (with PMD and so on…)


   The combo of refactor needs a QA check to prevent problem from recurring

Consider a brute force check:


   Add a QA check that applies the refactor, if any source code is changed
   then fail :)

      Takes about about 20 mins so maybe not

Discussion on logistics :)


   Patrick is going to try a sample PR on removing unneeded throws :)

GeoServer 2.18.4 release status update

Everything is built,

Note: JIRA can now generate release notes in markdown + HTML, for more
i18n GSIP update

Any further feedback?


   Some discussion on primary language - first in the list does not makes
   sense (because combines from service, and all layer documents)

   I would choosing from service, and add placeholder for admin if that
   primary language not available

Follow INSPIRE thing is the only real “standard”, the standards are silent
(except WCS 2.0)

Messy situation:


   WCS 2.0 has support for languages, based on OWS 2.0

   Anything else does not, since they are based on OWS 1.1 or older (or not
   even based OWS, like WMS)

Windows installer update

Sander (geocat developer) asks for feedback on this file (for this a
one-off, not yet part of the build):


   All the things are signed with osgeo certificate, please test

   Building in some azure environment, building and signing in linux did
   not work out.

Action: Ask the user list? Torben will test ...
S3 Documentation

Follow up to last meeting and email discussion:


   AWS S3 remove / rysnc did not work due (sigh)

   We need to move to a different approach, like GitHub pages for just the
   current version.

Jody is still working on domains (this is needed before any documentation
migration) …
CITE tests, merging?



   Jody will ask devops folks to look at it from GeoCat (if not merge it).



   Added some docker cleanups to avoid filling up jenkins

   Failures are reported as such now


What about actual geoserver/docker stuff?

   - ← anything? No update ...

Tradeoff around production / training use:



      The one that includes extensions is slower to download/startup

      Smaller startup, that downloads extension is faster to download, but
      results in network traffic

   Having a small / fixed one for geoserver training use would be fine

Make a large image that includes extensions (already downloaded)


   Choose which ones are installed on initial startup

   For real production use folks could comment out which ones are already
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