Advocacy Organizations and Collective Action 

Edited by
Aseem Prakash and Mary Kay Gugerty
University of Washington, Seattle

Cambridge University Press, 2010
Hardcover and Paperback

Advocacy organizations are viewed as actors motivated primarily by 
principled beliefs. This volume outlines a new agenda for the study of 
advocacy organizations, proposing a model of NGOs as collective actors 
that seek to fulfill normative concerns and instrumental incentives, face 
collective action problems, and compete as well as collaborate with other 
advocacy actors. The firm analogy is a useful way of studying advocacy 
actors because individuals via advocacy NGOs make choices which are 
analytically similar to those that shareholders make in the context of 
firms. The authors view advocacy NGOs as special types of firms that make 
strategic choices in policy markets which, along with creating public 
goods, support organizational survival, visibility, and growth. Advocacy 
NGOs' strategy can therefore be understood as a response to opportunities 
to supply distinct advocacy products to well defined constituencies as 
well as a response to normative or principled concerns. 

"This book brings together a top-flight team of scholars to address the 
factors that help shape the advocacy activities of international NGOs. 
Complementing previous research but starting from a different perspective 
than most, the chapters show that leaders of NGOs must establish their 
organizations' individual identities, maintain their memberships, and 
worry about survival. Advocacy strategies are influenced, then, by these 
concerns as well as by the moral convictions of their members. An 
important contribution sure to inform as well as provoke."
        ---- Frank R. Baumgartner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Prakash and Gugerty have assembled an unusually innovative and 
imaginative set of essays on interest group advocacy. This important 
collection advances the field with its emphasis on organizational 
        ---- Jeffrey M. Berry, Tufts University

"Rather than characterizing advocacy organizations by their distinctive 
ideals and the intentions of their members, the contributors to this 
important new volume ask what can be learned by exploring the similarities 
with profit-oriented firms and collective action projects. The result is a 
collection of rich, theoretically-engaged case studies that significantly 
advance our understanding of the structure and strategies of advocacy 
organizations while generating compelling new questions about norms and 
shared values."
        ---- Elisabeth Clemens, The University of Chicago

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Advocacy Organization and Collective Action: An Introduction
Aseem Prakash and Mary Kay Gugerty

Part 1: The Institutional Environment and Advocacy Organization

Chapter 2: The Price of Advocacy: Mobilization and Maintenance in Advocacy 
McGhee Young

Chapter 3: Acting in Good Faith: An Economic Approach to Religious 
Organizations as Advocacy Groups
Anthony J. Gill and Steven J. Pfaff

Chapter 4: Institutional Environment and the Organization of Advocacy NGOs in 
the OECD
Elizabeth A. Bloodgood

Part II: Advocacy Tactics and Strategies

Chapter 5: The Market for Human Rights
Clifford Bob

Chapter 6: Brand Identity and the Tactical Repertoires of Advocacy Organizations
Maryann Barakso

Chapter 7: Shopping Around: Environmental Organizations and the Search for 
Policy Venues
Sarah B. Pralle

Part III International Advocacy and Market Structures

Chapter 8: The Political Economy of Transnational Action among International 
Alexander Cooley and James Ron

Chapter 9: Advocacy Organizations, Networks, and the Firm Analogy
Jesse D. Lecy, George E. Mitchell and Hans Peter Schmitz

Chapter 10 Shaping Civic Advocacy: International and Domestic Policies towards 
Russia’s NGO
Sarah L. Henderson

Part IV Towards a New Research Program

Chapter 11: Rethinking Advocacy Organizations? A Critical Comment
Thomas Risse

Chapter 12: Conclusions and Future Research: Rethinking Advocacy Organizations
Mary Kay Gugerty and Aseem Prakash

        Aseem Prakash
        Professor, Department of Political Science
        Walker Family Professor for the College of Arts and Sciences
        39 Gowen Hall, Box 353530
        University of Washington
        Seattle, WA 98195-3530

        206-685-2146 (fax)

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