Hello everybody:

I am sure you are as frustrated as I am about the neglect of environmental 
issues in Presidential debates. I think there is an urgent need for a deeper 
discussion on governance failures that can accentuate climate change 
vulnerabilities and yet, at the same time, need to be addressed on their own 

Here is a short piece we published today on Slate.com:
"Climate Change Did It!” Is a Convenient Excuse"


For reference, Slate is among the pioneers in online journalism with over 4.5 
million unique visitors per month.

Nives and I are developing a longer response to the PNAS article (cited in our 
Slate piece) that suggests a complex link between the Syrian War and the 
climate change. If you have written on this subject, I will be obliged if you 
could email it to me.




Aseem Prakash
Professor, Department of Political Science
Walker Family Professor for the College of Arts and Sciences
Founding Director, UW Center for Environmental Politics
39 Gowen Hall, Box 353530
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3530


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