Call for Contributions

Public Administration Review’s Online Forum “Speak Your Mind”
invites submissions for a symposium on:



Guest Moderators:

Nives Dolsak, School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle Aseem Prakash, Department of Political Science, University of Washington, Seattle


Objective and Rationale:

Climate change is among the defining issues of our time with important economic, environmental, political and social dimensions. While the recent US withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement has focused intense attention on this subject, it is clear that almost all countries of the world along with several US states and cities will continue to work on climate policies. Typically, these policies could pertain to climate change mitigation (“An anthropogenic intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases” IPCC, 2001) or adaptation (“Adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities” (IPCC, 2001). With its unique blog-like format, this online forum seeks to provide an assessment of what has been done and what needs to be done in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation. We invite contributors to address issues such as:

- How have various units of government (city, county, state, national, and supranational) responded to this profound human challenge? Specifically, what policies have they put in place for both climate change mitigation and adaptation? Have they created new units/agencies or have they simply added climate change mitigation or adaptation to the existing ones?
-       How is the scale of policy provision and policy production decided?
- How do administrative units measure performance of their climate policies? - To what extent have these policies met their stated objectives? What might be the best practices that other governments might adopt? - How do these units finance climate policies? Are these policies crowding out other pressing policy needs? - To what extent are governments rebranding existing polices under the label of climate change? What is motivating this policy fudging? - How have governments collaborated with nonprofits and businesses in developing and implementing these policies?

We invite submissions of short commentaries (maximum 1,000 words) that examine one or more of these issues. These commentaries could summarize existing research or report new research. All commentaries must be written in an accessible style; references, tables and appendices should be provided as links embedded in the text.



In order to assure a timely review, please first email the story pitch to <> and <>, in the following format:

(1)     What is the story/argument? What is the takeaway? (maximum 100 words)
(2) How does this illuminate the theory or practice of public administration? (maximum 100 words)

Based on these submissions, the guest editors will invite the selected authors to submit the full commentary (1,000 words maximum).



Submissions of the pitch: June 30, 2017
Invitation to submit commentaries: July 5, 2017
Guest Moderator Review: July 10-July 15, 2017
Online Publication on Speak Your Mind: July 15, 2017


About Public Administration Review:

Public Administration Review (PAR) is the premier journal in the field of public administration research, theory, and practice. In its 77 years of publication, it has served both academics and practitioners interested in the public sector and public sector management. Articles identify and analyze current trends, provide a factual basis for decision making, stimulate discussion, and make the leading literature in the field available in an easily accessible format. PAR has a sizeable online presence as well with annual downloads in excess of 1 million.



Aseem Prakash
Professor, Department of Political Science
Walker Family Professor for the College of Arts and Sciences
Founding Director, UW Center for Environmental Politics
39 Gowen Hall, Box 353530
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3530

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