Dear Colleagues (with apologies for cross-posting to the NEES and gep-ed lists):

I write to alert you to the April 28th release of the second edition of Turning Numbers Into Knowledge: Mastering the Art of Problem Solving by Jon Koomey, who holds appointments at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab and Stanford University. I've found the book to be exceedingly useful in my work with undergraduates in political science and environmental science. Koomey's book has been well-received by natural- and social-scientists, but it's often overlooked because it comes from a small press. I commend it to you and invite you to sample portions of the book online:

Overview: (If you're interested in a copy, though, best to order the paperback at, with the pre-order discount they offer.)


Three sample chapters:

Best wishes,
Mike Maniates

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Michael Maniates
Professor of Political Science & Environmental Science
Allegheny College, Box E, Meadville, PA 16335 USA
o: 814-332-2786 f: 814-332-2789 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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