FYI. The attachment didn't make it through the first time, so, I've omitted
it, but you can find the paper on the website. My best to everyone on the
list as we approach the new year! wil

Dr. Wil Burns, Editor in Chief
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy
1702 Arlington Blvd.
El Cerrito, CA 94530 USA
Ph:   650.281.9126
Fax: 708.776.8369

-----Original Message-----
From: Wil Burns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 7:51 AM
To: 'GEP-Ed'
Subject: FW: Climate Change: the state of the debate

FYI. wil

Dr. Wil Burns, Editor in Chief
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy
1702 Arlington Blvd.
El Cerrito, CA 94530 USA
Ph:   650.281.9126
Fax: 708.776.8369

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached a new report by Alex Evans and David Steven entitled
‘Climate Change: the State of the Debate’, published by New York
University’s Center on International Cooperation. 

It forms part of the London Accord, a major climate change research
initiative which launches today (Wednesday 19 December), and which involves
organisations including ABN AMRO, Credit Suisse First Boston, Merrill Lynch,
Morgan Stanley, BP and the Corporation of London.  More information on the
London Accord can be found at

Our report is intended to catalyse a deeper discussion about why climate
change has become a big political issue; what’s driving awareness of it
among diverse publics; whether climate change will stay high on the agenda;
and how future perceptions of the issue might evolve. It does not try to set
out definitive answers to these questions, but instead explores questions of
who influences whom in the global conversation about climate change.

A brief summary of the paper, extracted from its introduction, is set out
below. We would warmly welcome any comments and reactions that Climate-L
readers might have, so please do email us on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - or visit the climate section of our blog, Global
Dashboard, at  

Best wishes,

Alex Evans
Head of Climate Change and Global Public Goods NYU Center on International


The paper begins with a survey of the history of public perceptions of
climate change since 1900, arguing that these perceptions have much deeper
roots than is often realised: Time magazine ran a cover story on the idea of
a warming world as long ago as 1939, for instance. The history section also
stresses that perceptions of climate change have always been subject to
peaks of interest followed by subsequent declines, and a constant
ebb-and-flow of public attention. Above all, the history of climate change
shows that perceptions of the issue are by no means driven only – or even
primarily – by facts, evidence and rational argument: images, narratives,
relationships and values matter at least as much. 

Section two of the paper looks at a sample of recent polling data in an
attempt to discover whether perceptions of climate change really did reach a
‘tipping point’ during 2006, as many media commentators believe. While
opinion polls do appear to show a global public consensus that climate
change is real, urgent and driven at least in part by human activity, the
perceptions of what needs to be done – and by whom – are much less
clear-cut. As well as examining polling data, section two explores the
findings of qualitative research methods, which suggest that instead of
attempting to understand ‘public opinion’ about climate change, it is
essential to realise that there are diverse publics involved in the issue –
all with different ‘prisms’ or ‘frames’ through which evidence, facts,
arguments and discussions are filtered.
The paper concludes that while climate change may have reached a tipping
point of sorts in 2006 as far as perceptions of the problem are concerned,
the same definitely cannot be said for perceptions of the solution. So far,
we lack answers to fundamental questions such as which solutions will be
favoured; who will back them and who will resist them; how much they will
cost; and what benefits they are likely to deliver. As we argue, the
direction of this debate will depend on how deep public concern is, and on
whether what people ‘want’ (either consciously, or as expressed by their
behaviour) in different countries diverges or converges.

So before any actor – whether government, investor or advocate – can seek to
influence the climate debate effectively, it is essential to understand the
drivers of that debate. For deal makers, knowledge and information about the
politics of climate change is itself a global public good: the lack of
clarity favours those who would prefer inaction. Here, the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change provides a model. Just as the IPCC has informed and
then stabilised the ‘problem debate’, so we now need a similar knowledge
bank on the perceptions and politics that make up and drive the solutions

We also conclude that governments and businesses face huge political and
financial risks as they navigate the climate debate. At present, their
actions are based on vague, and mostly intuitive, views of what is driving
change. Many professionals assume they know more than they do, or that
climate change is basically a scientific and technical problem. This view is
mistaken - and now is an especially good time to correct it. The push for a
replacement for the Kyoto Protocol is now beginning in earnest. This will
place stress on existing beliefs, force apart current coalitions, and create
the circumstances for new ones to be born. That’s why it’s now time to
understand, study and track the state of the climate change debate.

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