Dear all, please disregard earlier sending. A corrected deadline is below:

Dear all,

Each year we try to reach out for new membership to the International
Studies Association's Environmental Studies Section, arguably the most
active and dynamic grouping of environmental studies scholars in
political science/social science. Please help recruit new members to the
list (professors, graduate students, other experts). A prerequisite is
membership in the ISA. For more information, please feel free to contact
me at

Also, for those of you wishing to submit news to the ISA ESS newsletter,
please send your information to Bryan McDonald:

Call for Submissions for Environmental Studies Section Newsletter
This call is to request information to be published in the next edition
(Spring 2009) of the Environmental Studies Section electronic newsletter. 
We welcome submissions about section news, publications, websites, job and
funding opportunities, announcements and upcoming conferences and meetings.
Please send your items by email to by September 15, 2009.
Bryan McDonald, Ph.D.
Assistant Director
Center for Unconventional Security Affairs
University of California, Irvine
Phone: 949.824.8804

Best wishes,

Miranda Schreurs

Prof. Miranda Schreurs
Director, Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) 
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Freie Universitat Berlin
Ihnestr. 22 / D - 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
phone: (+)49 - 30 - 838 56687
fax: (+)49 - 30 - 838 566 85 

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