Hello Again Everyone!

I am looking at the issue of shark finning post-the ICCAT
recommendation to ban the activity. I'm interested in the response of
the bigger shark finning nations, (i.e. China, Korea) to the ICCAT ban
(will they accept the ban?) as well as nations that have developed an
interest in finning in order to export to the Asian market.

This is a foggy period for this research because early efforts (FAO
and IUCN resolutions) have been met with minimal cooperation and it is
perhaps too soon to tell the efficacy of the ICCAT ban. I wonder if
anyone can help me in discoving how this international agreement of
ICCAT as well as CITES may shed some light on what will come - or on
room for improvement.

I'd like to find information on the position of interested nations to
this issue, and am having a difficult time.

Thanks for any help!


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