OK, its about two years since I set up get_iplayer, and things have
been working fine since then, on and off.

Unfortunately I have recently lost access to the PC get_iplayer was
running from, though I still have access to the archives...

I'm running it on a decent laptop, at least as powerful as the old PC
it was previously on, bother are running windows 7.

I use it to record both Radio and TV, to listen to/watch on Android devices.

Specifically I need answers to these questions:

1) What is the currently recommended string for the "Recording Modes"
box, considering I want best available resolution on videos, and aac
or mp3 for radio recordings (The Android can cope with almost all
video codecs, either via native player, or mx video)? Simply using
Best doesn't seem to work - it gets stuck on iphone....

2) With my currentĀ settings, and running the most recent version of
web_pvr I occasionally get this in the output of web_pvr:

"ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet body. len: 70534
INFO: Connection timed out, trying to resume.

Resuming download at: 223640.261 kB"

And it just freezes, I need to restart web_pvr and then restart run
pvr to get it to work again. It seems to be happening all the time,
after a few recordings at the moment.

Anybody help?

(BTW I did manage to get hold of the get_iplayer.pl from my old PC
which had the changes made to it so it found radio 4 extra)



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