I have two pvr searches
type radio
search0 BBC Proms
type tv
search0 BBC Proms
disable 1

I assumed that this would only fetch BBC Proms radio programs
 and not the tv programs. However;
~/get_iplayer-3.18/get_iplayer  --tag-isodate --verbose --mode=best
--type=tv --test --pvr 2>&1 | tee tv-test-24jun2019
List the BBC Proms tv programs for fetching.

My thinking was that it should fetch radio programs and not the tv programs.

Why is the "type' option in the pvr file being ignored by GIP?

The work around would be to disable both pvr files and write a Perl
script to fetch the BBC proms radio programs only.

terry l. ridder ><>

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