Ciao - vi giro un messaggio di cui mi scuso per il cross-posting con chi
segue la lista OSGEO.

...diciamo che è un esercizio di "progettazione partecipata di una campagna
di mappatura partecipata", a cura di in collaborazione con
alcune strutture di ricerca del centro-nord Italia.

vi ringrazio per l'attenzione e poi, se emergono soggetti interessanti, se
ne parla in modo più operativo con loro...intanto il primo messaggio è
uscito così.. ;)

un saluto!

Andrea Giacomelli

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrea Giacomelli <>
Date: 2015-06-24 10:00 GMT+02:00
Subject: Fwd: Outreach event, (Milano, July 29) + call to folks attending
FOSS4G Europe
To: OSGeo Discussions <>
Cc: segreteria <>

[as this is a long message, please tune on an appropriate soundtrack such
as: ]

Dear all,

1) please see below, in relation to an EAANCVGI [1] project which has
already been advertized in the past on this list...

2) While the topic of the July 29 event may seem to focus more on the
thematic aspect of ecology, the team involved into its coordination is in
fact a melting pot of hard-core OSGEO stack architects, with a track record
on INSPIRE and other geomatic assets which should entice the OSGEO

3) the EXPO in Milano is characterizing itself for a bunch of events
happening also outside of the premises of the EXPO itself (the so called
"fuori EXPO"...this would be an equivalent of the "off-Broadway" concept,
if we were performers)

4) as, we are considering the possibility of arranging a
"fuori EXPO" event, e.g. on July 30.

We do lots of events of this type... this would be a quasi-done deal, were
it not for the fact that around the end of the month we will be in the full
moon phase, which is not ideal to take measurements of night sky quality...

5) however....July 14-17 would be ideal (new moon days), and I understand
that there will be a pow-wow of European folks not far from
Milano...possibly Como?

of course...FOSS4G Europe!

so - here is the proposal from , to anybody attending FOSS4G
Europe (or, possibly, even not attending it, but planning to be in the
Milano-Como area in mid-July)

6) will make available a "buiometro" (the Sky Quality Meter)
from our sensor pool.

6.1) One of our local points of contact in Milano will deliver this in the
hands of...

7) or more people interested in taking measurements of
 night sky quality (hence, light pollution) during the FOSS4G event,
sharing them on the database and letting us
know something about their experience [3]

7.1) this would not be the first time the BMP project comes to Como [4]

8) (now collaborating with the Italian National Research
Council) will share the results of the night sky quality mapping campaign
from mid-July in the end-of-July event, and will use the data as a
preparation for another event which will follow in September.

Furthermore, the outcome of this "twinning scheme" will be advertised in
upcoming meetings we will have in the framework of the "Loss of the Night
Network", for which is the primary point of contact in ....who knows, if we find interested parties, other
collaborations may flow from this pilot experience.

Thanks for your attention on a long message, and best regards

Andrea Giacomelli, President

[1] Empowered And Active Not Casual Volunteer Geographic Information

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrea Giacomelli <>
Date: 2015-06-23 18:33 GMT+02:00

[Apologies for cross-postings]

On behalf of I am glad to announce that the BuioMetria
Partecipativa project (which started in 2008 with two hand-held SQMs, two
environmental engineers and one idea on developing culture about light
pollution in Italy) is invited to the World Expo in Milano, Italy.

More interestingly, the invitation comes not for the project on its own,
but because some institutes of the Italian National Research Council became
interested in our work in late 2014, and in six months this initial
interest took the form of a borrowing our SQMs (which we call "buiometri"
for the Italian audience), and will be using them during the Summer in one
of their dissemination projects.

You may find all the details of the event at :

If you happen to be in Milano around July 29, and would like to meet
(inside or outside of the EXPO), do let us know, and we'll see how this may
be arranged.

Best regards from Italy

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857
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