> (1)-(3) appears to be three different approaches, but I don’t think that’s
> what you intend. I think there are only two: add the indirection layer or
> not?
(1)-(3) are just steps when we do choose to add the indirection layer: add
the layer, and do the changes when desired.
If we choose to
I’m keen NOT to introduce these layers of indirection. I think they make the
code harder to understand.
Can you give an example function or two, and what it would look like under the
different approaches.
(1)-(3) appears to be three different approaches, but I don’t think that’s what
you inte
Simon Peyton Jones writes:
> | Hmm. Here's a shot in the dark: is home home directory mounted via NFS by
> | any chance?
> Direct hit! (for the shot in the dark). Yes it's NFS mounted I think.
> So what?
Hi Simon,
Sorry for the rather belated reply; I was knocked off my feet for a few
days by
Indeed, it does not happen on fresh HEAD, I'll have to dig deeper.
Maybe it is related to my changes, but I only changed Stg-related
stuff. Join-points are a Core thing, right?
Anyway, I'll keep you informed if I figure it out.
On 8/22/17, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> Is this