Hi everyone,

I have created topical aggregators of tickets that go beyond the rhythm of releases (aka. "epics") for  the following topics:

* Info Tables Profiling: https://gitlab.haskell.org/groups/ghc/-/epics/3

* Setting WinIO "on" by default: https://gitlab.haskell.org/groups/ghc/-/epics/4

* FreeBSD CI revival: https://gitlab.haskell.org/groups/ghc/-/epics/5

These epics have no deadline and their purpose is to track the evolution of our workload for certain "big" tasks that go beyond a single ticket.

They are also useful as they are a (albeit imprecise) tool to help determine after the fact the magnitude of a project and the efforts it took. This will certainly be helpful for future estimations.

And finally their prime purpose is to enable more awareness about our co-contributors work, so that we get all a better sense of what it takes to do certain things. :)

Please do feel free to create your own for projects that are not fit for a single milestone (or are not related to release milestones at all).


Hécate ✨
🐦: @TechnoEmpress
IRC: Hecate
WWW: https://glitchbra.in

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