I would like to sponsor(budget ca. 800-900$) a new open source (GPL)
linux project - gkiosk. It should be a Gnome photo kiosk program,
smth. like this: http://xkiosk2.sourceforge.net/ - this program
could/should be used as a start point.
things to add:
1) basic image edit functions, like (rotate, zoom, crop, move, redeyes
removal, color adjusting,black & white, sepia, brightness and contrast
etc. - all the standard stuff that can be taken from any open source
photo manager like f-spot or any other).
2) adding custom templates/text to an image
3) calculation of the price of an order - for customer(to show before
finishing the order) and for kiosk owner(printing expenses for
4) automatic ftp upload of the order to the ftp server of the printing lab.
5) basic centralized bookkeeping via php/mysql script: once an order
is made - it should be recorded in a central MySQL-DB. A simple php
script should be created to allow the kiosks owner to see the records.

bids: http://www.getacoder.com/projects/gkiosk_68339.html or contact
me directly: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thank you
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