[Gimp-user] Gimp not Recognizing Tablet

2011-01-01 Thread sacrificed4happy
I tried to "install" my wacom tablet into the Gimp program, but nothing happened. In Gimp, I went under Preferences, went to "Input Devices" and clicked on "Configure Extended Input Devices". A pop-up came up and said "No Extended Input Devices". I checked the current "Input Controllers" to

[Gimp-user] Merging n everything

2011-01-01 Thread rainman400
>Taking a GIF file that is in one mode and switching it to another mode (i.e. >combine to replace, and vice versa), may cause the GIF not to animate >correctly.  Combine style GIF's build up an image piece by piece, and not all >layers are the same size.  With Replace style GIF's, each layer is