On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 11:17 -0800, MM wrote:
> I am using the 2.6.11 version
> I normally make panoramas with Autopano, and the rendered file is
> often more than 30Mb.
> This time it was very close to 49Mb and I am receiving the following
> error message
> “Glib-ERROR”:gmem.c137:failed
* Konstantinos Antonakoglou [01-06-11 07:26]:
> I would like to ask wether it's legal to just mention in my album's
> booklet that I used GIMP and Inkscape to create it. Are there any
> problems with trademarks etc?
ianal, but... As I understand it, it is encouraged. Go for it.
Patrick Shan
Hello everyone,
I would like to ask wether it's legal to just mention in my album's
booklet that I used GIMP and Inkscape to create it. Are there any
problems with trademarks etc?
Thank you in advance,
Konstantinos Antonakoglou
PGP key: 0xC9E2E16B
constanton @ Freenode