The answer appears to be: sRGB, the color space to which gimp defaults
(unless you've specified another color space?).
The formula for converting sRGB levels to relative luminance is in the sRGB
spec. A table of the Levels and their corresponding relative luminance
is here: http://www.chaosreign
I'm looking for a mathematical definition of this scale. says 0 is black and 255 is
white. What's in between? Is 7 double the brightness of 6?
What is the luminance / brightness of each of the levels?
Is it a logarithmic scale?
"Life is ei
Lately I've been using the GIMP a lot to crop images with a specific
aspect ratio in mind, often with the intention of resizing the result
down to a given resolution.
* Cropping and scaling a picture down to a LiveJournal userpic.
* Cropping a picture down to 5"x7" for professional pri