2008/10/3 Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dotan Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Often when tabbing through the Gimp windows I find that any particular
>> window will be missing. Right now it is the Tools window. How does one
>> reopen it? The obvious place to look (View) does not have it in
Simon Budig wrote:
> Not sure if this is the problem you're seeing, but note that you can
> toggle the toolbox and dock-dialogs with the Tab-key. If you hit that by
> accident windows will go missing...
How cool! Thanks, I didn't know that tab did that:)
Dotan Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Often when tabbing through the Gimp windows I find that any particular
> window will be missing. Right now it is the Tools window. How does one
> reopen it? The obvious place to look (View) does not have it in there.
> Thanks.
Not sure if this is the proble
2008/10/3 Martin Nordholts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Often when tabbing through the Gimp windows I find that any particular
>> window will be missing. Right now it is the Tools window. How does one
>> reopen it? The obvious place to look (View) does not have it in there.
>> Thank
Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Often when tabbing through the Gimp windows I find that any particular
> window will be missing. Right now it is the Tools window. How does one
> reopen it? The obvious place to look (View) does not have it in there.
> Thanks.
What operating system are you on and what v
Often when tabbing through the Gimp windows I find that any particular
window will be missing. Right now it is the Tools window. How does one
reopen it? The obvious place to look (View) does not have it in there.
Dotan Cohen