On Wednesday 08 January 2003 21:08, you wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-01-08 at 1522.21 +0000):
> > thank you all those who suggsted how to convert rgb into cmyk. i would
> > have replied but then i noticed that hitting 'reply' on my reader (knode)
> > would send the reply to the individual and not the list. ack.
> > why ?, i can't find a way of changing this either. i think that's
> > annoying.
> The list owner decided changing reply-to is bad. Others think changing
> is good. In any case, the best is to get a mailer that can do normal
> reply, group reply and list reply.

thank you for your response.
but the links are about munging ? the addresses aren't munged, it is just set 
up so i can't reply to the list automatically, plus i get two mails when 
someone replies, one on the list and one privately. i have to then not only 
type in gimp adress but also delete duplicates. i am on several lists where i 
do not have to do this.
as to changing mailer, this is a linux based mailer. i do not like netscape 
and mutt i find annoying, having to edit mails in vi and view html in other 
windows, etc etc.

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