On 01/31/2011 03:00 PM, Rob Antonishen wrote:
> Try this-
> After you have a rough sketch, create a new layer filled with Hue: 200
> Saturation: 60 Lightness 75 below your sketch layer and set your
> sketch layer blend mode to screen.  Your image will now look like it
> is drawn in non photo blue.
> Create a new white layer on top and set the mode to multiply and
> sketch over using black.
> When happy with that layer, change its mode to screen and move the
> blue layer below it.
> Repeat and rinse.

Ok.  Here's something I came up with different than what you said, but 
inspired by what you said, and probably what you meant.  The net effect 
is exactly what I was looking for, i.e. all intermediated layers are 
blue, and the farther down they are, the paler they are.  Additionally, 
it works exactly like the HSV adjustment layer in PS.

0)  Create a layer filled with white for the background so you can see 
what you're doing.
1) Create a first drawing layer above it filled with transparency and 
draw into it in black.  Leave it's layer mode normal.
2) Add a new layer _above_ it and fill with with the color with HSV 200, 
60, 75*.  Set it's layer mode to screen.  It doesn't matter if it has 
alpha or not.  It will work just like a PS HSV adjustment layer!
3) Add a new layer with a transparent background above it and leave its 
mode as normal.  Draw into it with black.  The first layer below shows 
up as blue, and the current drawing is black.  Using the blue below, 
refine your drawing.
4) Don't touch any of those layers.  Don't change modes on any of them.  
Duplicate your blue layer and move the copy of it above your current 
drawing layer.  The current drawing will turn blue, and the original 
layer will stay blue, but get fainter.
5) Add a new top layer above all the layers, filled with transparency.  
Its mode stays normal.  Begin drawing into it with black and refining 
your drawing.  The layer below is blue and a bit faded, and the layer 
below that is still visible, but faded a bit more.  You can use them as 
references and create the new version.

Continue as desired.  When you feel like you have a finished product, 
then delete all the intermediate versions between it and the white layer 
on the bottom.

What do you think?  Lets you go from rough sketch to wireframe to 
contour outline to finalized wireframe step by step all digitally.  If 
you want to keep one or more of the intermediate steps save the layer 
before deleting it.

All it takes is after each drawing layer add a new layer above it with 
layer mode set to Screen and filled with a HSV of 200, 60, 75.  You end 
up with every other layer a drawing layer in normal mode, black 
foreground, and alpha, and the intervening layers all with a layer mode 
of Screen and filled with blue.

draw n
     blue n-1
draw n-1
     blue 3
draw 3
     blue 2
draw 2
     blue 1
draw 1
Bottom background layer filled with white so you can see everything.

So bottom line is, everything your read about an HSV adjustment layer in 
PS, you can do in GIMP by filling a layer with the HSV value setting its 
layer mode to Screen and exactly as in PS, putting the layer above 
whatever you want to effect.

Caveats:  I'm making this up and your mileage may vary.


* You fill the new layer by clicking on the black square on the pallet.  
The Change Foreground Color dialog pops up and set the H to 200, the S 
to 60, and the V to 75 and then click Ok.  On the toolbar window the 
black square turns blue.  The move your mouse over it and click and hold 
down the left button and drag to main drawing screen (make sure your new 
layer is selected in the layer dialog so you fill the right one!  You 
can also do it with a drawing tablet by using your stylus to touch the 
color square and without lifting it drag the color to the drawing 
surface and then release.  Afterward, click (mouse) or touch (stylus) 
the little tiny white and black squares below the foreground and 
background colors to get rid of the blue and go back to black.

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