I use Gimp in my photography.  Until now, that's all I have used it for.
Today, I came across a text document in pdf format, and it is probably protected
in some way such that my pdf reader cannot highlight anything.

Since it is important that I highlight this document in order to make use of it,
I figured I would open it in Gimp, export as tiff, at which point, I should be
able to open the tiff file and paint with a semi-transparent brush to highlight
sections of text as necessary.

Unfortunately, search though I may, I cannot find in Gimp where one selects or
changes the brush color.

I've searched online, and most subjects that come up have to do with how to make
brushes.  I don't need to design a brush.  I just want to bring up a palette
that will allow me to paint over the drawing with a red brush, or yellow, etc.

I even opened one of my color photos thinking that there might be a problem with
the tiff that I had created, but I cannot find any dialog box that deals with
the brush color attribute.

I'm certain the answer is before my eyes, but they are not finding it for me.
Advice would be most welcome.


Carusoswi (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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