On 09/01/17 21:36, gre2gor wrote:
is there any willing member to hlep me started with data driven graphics? I used
to do graphics with Photoshop and variables.
I need to do some graphics on the go, during livestream on YouTube. I started to
use Powershell as a main control interface. Recentl
Anything you can copy to the clipboard from say, an Excel Lookup Table, can
be pasted into a new GIMP image. A GIMP script can take what's on the
clipboard, format it and output it. To do it seamlessly I guess requires a
higher order script to invoke the Excel script and then the GIMP script.
Thanks very much, Elle, for the detailed reply!
Firstly: I've been studying up on color theory for the last month or two
and your website is amazing and very helpful, so thanks for the huge
amount of work you have put in to it. There are not many (possibly no)
resources like it, at least as fa
is there any willing member to hlep me started with data driven graphics? I used
to do graphics with Photoshop and variables.
I need to do some graphics on the go, during livestream on YouTube. I started to
use Powershell as a main control interface. Recently I found out that I could
script to
On 01/08/2017 07:47 PM, Partha Bagchi wrote:
Try Elle Stone's color corrected experimental version. See if that helps.
CCing her in case.
Hi Casey,
My apologies, I'm not sure exactly what you are describing below, so
I've asked a couple of questions to try to figure out what procedures
you a
I have been a professional graphic designer for 30 years and changing
someone else's logo is simply not done.
If you want a clean, sharp version of it, in the corporate colour, download
the PNG or EPS versions from the Pinterest site.
Rick S.
-Original Message-
From: Meg
Sent: Sund
On 01/08/2017 09:13 PM, Casey Connor wrote:
Thanks again, Partha! As a recent convert to LCH, Elle's version looks
pretty amazing. I'm a little nervous to mess with my gimp install, as a
non-sysadmin expert, but if Elle has the time to respond maybe she can
let me know if there'd be value in tryi
>The image is in 'indexed' mode which means it used a limited
>'colormap' and the colour you need is not there.
>Change the image mode to RGB Image -> Mode -> RGB.
>Always a however, If you look at the screenshot, that little boundary
>along the selection are semi-transparent pixels ie. anti-al
>Umm, I don't want to be the buzz-kill here but perhaps you *shouldn't*
>trying to change the Pinterest logo?
>From the Pinterest branding guidelines web page,
>https://business.pinterest.com/en/brand-guidelines :
>"Our badge
>Our badge is a red circle and white scripted P outlined in whit