Alright, I added the 'duplicate final layers' code I described earlier to my
plugin and it worked.
In fact, it worked even better than I expected. With 2 final layers @2400*1755
in this case, the copying of the layers from frozen 'working' undo memory to a
thawed, undo-able group happened instantan
>From your message, it seems like you've tried a lot the existing
>possibilities, and probably this trick won't help you at all - but,
>that is only what exists on GIMP.
Yes. While I haven't *tried* the possibilities, I've already thought about
various half-solutions including:
-The program exits,
> TL;DR: I need a way to either go back an undo step (Ctrl-Z) or to clear an
> undo step from the list in my Python script.
There is no API to adding, popping or applying undo steps.
In the past, I've done things like duplicate the image on plug-in
start, and disable undo completely
on the copy
Hi there,
I've just started the task of re-writing all of my scripts in a more
professional manner. Hand-made UI, ability to be imported as a module, etc.
However, I've come across a problem with managing the plugins' undo groups.
Initially, I put the whole plugin inside of a single undo group,