jpeg pushed a commit to branch master.

commit 24ac2d65160058193ec881f37a9ba8a4271d0605
Author: Subhransu Mohanty <>
Date:   Wed Nov 2 19:25:45 2016 +0900

    vg_loaders/svg: Copied svg loading implementation from edje_cc
 src/modules/evas/vg_loaders/svg/evas_vg_load_svg.c | 2113 +++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 2105 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/modules/evas/vg_loaders/svg/evas_vg_load_svg.c 
index 4fe90de1a7..7c19d75a47 100644
--- a/src/modules/evas/vg_loaders/svg/evas_vg_load_svg.c
+++ b/src/modules/evas/vg_loaders/svg/evas_vg_load_svg.c
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-# include <config.h>
-#include "evas_common_private.h"
-#include "evas_private.h"
+#include "vg_common.h"
 static int _evas_vg_loader_svg_log_dom = -1;
@@ -17,13 +13,2102 @@ static int _evas_vg_loader_svg_log_dom = -1;
 #define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(_evas_vg_loader_svg_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
-static void*
-evas_vg_load_file_data_svg(Eina_File *f EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Stringshare *key 
+typedef Svg_Node *(*Factory_Method)(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, 
unsigned buflen);
+typedef Svg_Style_Gradient *(*Gradient_Factory_Method)(const char *buf, 
unsigned buflen);
+typedef struct _Evas_SVG_Loader Evas_SVG_Loader;
+struct _Evas_SVG_Loader
+   Eina_Array *stack;
+   Svg_Node *doc;
+   Svg_Node *def;
+   Svg_Style_Gradient *gradient;
+   int level;
+   Eina_Bool result:1;
+char *
+_skip_space(const char *str, const char *end)
+   while (((end != NULL && str < end) || (end == NULL && *str != '\0')) && 
+     ++str;
+   return (char *)str;
+static inline Eina_Stringshare *
+_copy_id(const char* str)
+   if (str == NULL) return NULL;
+   return eina_stringshare_add(str);
+static const char *
+_skipcomma(const char *content)
+   content = _skip_space(content, NULL);
+   if (*content == ',') return content + 1;
+   return content;
+static inline Eina_Bool
+_parse_number(const char **content, double *number)
+   char *end = NULL;
+   *number = strtod(*content, &end);
+   // if the start of string is not number
+   if ((*content) == end) return EINA_FALSE;
+   //skip comma if any
+   *content = _skipcomma(end);
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static inline double
+_to_double(const char *str)
+   return strtod(str, NULL);
+static inline int
+_to_opacity(const char *str)
+   char *end = NULL;
+   int a = 0;
+   double opacity = strtod(str, &end);
+   if (*end == '\0')
+     a = lrint(opacity * 255);
+   return a;
+#define _PARSE_TAG(Type, Short_Name, Tags_Array, Default)               \
+  static Type _to_##Short_Name(const char *str)                         \
+  {                                                                     \
+     unsigned int i;                                                    \
+                                                                        \
+     for (i = 0; i < sizeof (Tags_Array) / sizeof (Tags_Array[0]); i++) \
+       if (!strcmp(str, Tags_Array[i].tag))                             \
+         return Tags_Array[i].Short_Name;                               \
+     return Default;                                                    \
+  }
+/* parse the line cap used during stroking a path.
+ * Value:    butt | round | square | inherit
+ * Initial:    butt
+ *
+ */
+static struct {
+   Efl_Gfx_Cap line_cap;
+   const char *tag;
+} line_cap_tags[] = {
+  { EFL_GFX_CAP_BUTT, "butt" },
+  { EFL_GFX_CAP_ROUND, "round" },
+  { EFL_GFX_CAP_SQUARE, "square" }
+_PARSE_TAG(Efl_Gfx_Cap, line_cap, line_cap_tags, EFL_GFX_CAP_LAST);
+/* parse the line join used during stroking a path.
+ * Value:   miter | round | bevel | inherit
+ * Initial:    miter
+ *
+ */
+static struct {
+   Efl_Gfx_Join line_join;
+   const char *tag;
+} line_join_tags[] = {
+  { EFL_GFX_JOIN_MITER, "miter" },
+  { EFL_GFX_JOIN_ROUND, "round" },
+  { EFL_GFX_JOIN_BEVEL, "bevel" }
+_PARSE_TAG(Efl_Gfx_Join, line_join, line_join_tags, EFL_GFX_JOIN_LAST);
+/* parse the fill rule used during filling a path.
+ * Value:   nonzero | evenodd | inherit
+ * Initial:    nonzero
+ *
+ */
+static struct {
+   Efl_Gfx_Fill_Rule fill_rule;
+   const char *tag;
+} fill_rule_tags[] = {
+  { EFL_GFX_FILL_RULE_ODD_EVEN, "evenodd" }
+_PARSE_TAG(Efl_Gfx_Fill_Rule, fill_rule, fill_rule_tags, 
+#if 0
+// unused at the moment
+/* parse the dash pattern used during stroking a path.
+ * Value:   none | <dasharray> | inherit
+ * Initial:    none
+ *
+ */
+static inline void
+_parse_dash_array(const char *str, Efl_Gfx_Dash** dash, int *length)
+   double tmp[30];
+   char *end = NULL;
+   int leni, gapi, count = 0, index = 0;
+   while (*str)
+     {
+        // skip white space, comma
+        str = _skipcomma(str);
+        tmp[count++] = strtod(str, &end);
+        str = _skipcomma(end);
+     }
+   if (count & 0x1)
+     { // odd case.
+        *length = count;
+        *dash = calloc(*length, sizeof(Efl_Gfx_Dash));
+        while (index < count)
+          {
+             leni = (2 * index) % count;
+             gapi = (2 * index + 1) % count;
+             (*dash)[index].length = tmp[leni];
+             (*dash)[index].gap = tmp[gapi];
+          }
+     }
+   else
+     { // even case
+        *length = count/2;
+        *dash = calloc(*length, sizeof(Efl_Gfx_Dash));
+        while (index < count)
+          {
+             (*dash)[index].length = tmp[2 * index];
+             (*dash)[index].gap = tmp[2 * index + 1];
+          }
+     }
+static Eina_Stringshare *
+ _id_from_url(const char *url)
+   char tmp[50];
+   int i = 0;
+   url = _skip_space(url, NULL);
+   if ((*url) == '(')
+     {
+        ++url;
+        url = _skip_space(url, NULL);
+     }
+   if ((*url) == '#')
+     ++url;
+   while ((*url) != ')')
+     {
+        tmp[i++] = *url;
+        ++url;
+     }
+   tmp[i] = '\0';
+   return eina_stringshare_add(tmp);
+static unsigned char
+_color_parser(const char *value, char **end)
+   double r;
+   r = strtod(value + 4, end);
+   *end = _skip_space(*end, NULL);
+   if (**end == '%')
+     r = 255 * r / 100;
+   *end = _skip_space(*end, NULL);
+   if (r < 0 || r > 255)
+     {
+        *end = NULL;
+        return 0;
+     }
+   return lrint(r);
+static const struct {
+   const char *name;
+   unsigned int value;
+} colors[] = {
+  { "aliceblue", 0xfff0f8ff },
+  { "antiquewhite", 0xfffaebd7 },
+  { "aqua", 0xff00ffff },
+  { "aquamarine", 0xff7fffd4 },
+  { "azure", 0xfff0ffff },
+  { "beige", 0xfff5f5dc },
+  { "bisque", 0xffffe4c4 },
+  { "black", 0xff000000 },
+  { "blanchedalmond", 0xffffebcd },
+  { "blue", 0xff0000ff },
+  { "blueviolet", 0xff8a2be2 },
+  { "brown", 0xffa52a2a },
+  { "burlywood", 0xffdeb887 },
+  { "cadetblue", 0xff5f9ea0 },
+  { "chartreuse", 0xff7fff00 },
+  { "chocolate", 0xffd2691e },
+  { "coral", 0xffff7f50 },
+  { "cornflowerblue", 0xff6495ed },
+  { "cornsilk", 0xfffff8dc },
+  { "crimson", 0xffdc143c },
+  { "cyan", 0xff00ffff },
+  { "darkblue", 0xff00008b },
+  { "darkcyan", 0xff008b8b },
+  { "darkgoldenrod", 0xffb8860b },
+  { "darkgray", 0xffa9a9a9 },
+  { "darkgrey", 0xffa9a9a9 },
+  { "darkgreen", 0xff006400 },
+  { "darkkhaki", 0xffbdb76b },
+  { "darkmagenta", 0xff8b008b },
+  { "darkolivegreen", 0xff556b2f },
+  { "darkorange", 0xffff8c00 },
+  { "darkorchid", 0xff9932cc },
+  { "darkred", 0xff8b0000 },
+  { "darksalmon", 0xffe9967a },
+  { "darkseagreen", 0xff8fbc8f },
+  { "darkslateblue", 0xff483d8b },
+  { "darkslategray", 0xff2f4f4f },
+  { "darkslategrey", 0xff2f4f4f },
+  { "darkturquoise", 0xff00ced1 },
+  { "darkviolet", 0xff9400d3 },
+  { "deeppink", 0xffff1493 },
+  { "deepskyblue", 0xff00bfff },
+  { "dimgray", 0xff696969 },
+  { "dimgrey", 0xff696969 },
+  { "dodgerblue", 0xff1e90ff },
+  { "firebrick", 0xffb22222 },
+  { "floralwhite", 0xfffffaf0 },
+  { "forestgreen", 0xff228b22 },
+  { "fuchsia", 0xffff00ff },
+  { "gainsboro", 0xffdcdcdc },
+  { "ghostwhite", 0xfff8f8ff },
+  { "gold", 0xffffd700 },
+  { "goldenrod", 0xffdaa520 },
+  { "gray", 0xff808080 },
+  { "grey", 0xff808080 },
+  { "green", 0xff008000 },
+  { "greenyellow", 0xffadff2f },
+  { "honeydew", 0xfff0fff0 },
+  { "hotpink", 0xffff69b4 },
+  { "indianred", 0xffcd5c5c },
+  { "indigo", 0xff4b0082 },
+  { "ivory", 0xfffffff0 },
+  { "khaki", 0xfff0e68c },
+  { "lavender", 0xffe6e6fa },
+  { "lavenderblush", 0xfffff0f5 },
+  { "lawngreen", 0xff7cfc00 },
+  { "lemonchiffon", 0xfffffacd },
+  { "lightblue", 0xffadd8e6 },
+  { "lightcoral", 0xfff08080 },
+  { "lightcyan", 0xffe0ffff },
+  { "lightgoldenrodyellow", 0xfffafad2 },
+  { "lightgray", 0xffd3d3d3 },
+  { "lightgrey", 0xffd3d3d3 },
+  { "lightgreen", 0xff90ee90 },
+  { "lightpink", 0xffffb6c1 },
+  { "lightsalmon", 0xffffa07a },
+  { "lightseagreen", 0xff20b2aa },
+  { "lightskyblue", 0xff87cefa },
+  { "lightslategray", 0xff778899 },
+  { "lightslategrey", 0xff778899 },
+  { "lightsteelblue", 0xffb0c4de },
+  { "lightyellow", 0xffffffe0 },
+  { "lime", 0xff00ff00 },
+  { "limegreen", 0xff32cd32 },
+  { "linen", 0xfffaf0e6 },
+  { "magenta", 0xffff00ff },
+  { "maroon", 0xff800000 },
+  { "mediumaquamarine", 0xff66cdaa },
+  { "mediumblue", 0xff0000cd },
+  { "mediumorchid", 0xffba55d3 },
+  { "mediumpurple", 0xff9370d8 },
+  { "mediumseagreen", 0xff3cb371 },
+  { "mediumslateblue", 0xff7b68ee },
+  { "mediumspringgreen", 0xff00fa9a },
+  { "mediumturquoise", 0xff48d1cc },
+  { "mediumvioletred", 0xffc71585 },
+  { "midnightblue", 0xff191970 },
+  { "mintcream", 0xfff5fffa },
+  { "mistyrose", 0xffffe4e1 },
+  { "moccasin", 0xffffe4b5 },
+  { "navajowhite", 0xffffdead },
+  { "navy", 0xff000080 },
+  { "oldlace", 0xfffdf5e6 },
+  { "olive", 0xff808000 },
+  { "olivedrab", 0xff6b8e23 },
+  { "orange", 0xffffa500 },
+  { "orangered", 0xffff4500 },
+  { "orchid", 0xffda70d6 },
+  { "palegoldenrod", 0xffeee8aa },
+  { "palegreen", 0xff98fb98 },
+  { "paleturquoise", 0xffafeeee },
+  { "palevioletred", 0xffd87093 },
+  { "papayawhip", 0xffffefd5 },
+  { "peachpuff", 0xffffdab9 },
+  { "peru", 0xffcd853f },
+  { "pink", 0xffffc0cb },
+  { "plum", 0xffdda0dd },
+  { "powderblue", 0xffb0e0e6 },
+  { "purple", 0xff800080 },
+  { "red", 0xffff0000 },
+  { "rosybrown", 0xffbc8f8f },
+  { "royalblue", 0xff4169e1 },
+  { "saddlebrown", 0xff8b4513 },
+  { "salmon", 0xfffa8072 },
+  { "sandybrown", 0xfff4a460 },
+  { "seagreen", 0xff2e8b57 },
+  { "seashell", 0xfffff5ee },
+  { "sienna", 0xffa0522d },
+  { "silver", 0xffc0c0c0 },
+  { "skyblue", 0xff87ceeb },
+  { "slateblue", 0xff6a5acd },
+  { "slategray", 0xff708090 },
+  { "slategrey", 0xff708090 },
+  { "snow", 0xfffffafa },
+  { "springgreen", 0xff00ff7f },
+  { "steelblue", 0xff4682b4 },
+  { "tan", 0xffd2b48c },
+  { "teal", 0xff008080 },
+  { "thistle", 0xffd8bfd8 },
+  { "tomato", 0xffff6347 },
+  { "turquoise", 0xff40e0d0 },
+  { "violet", 0xffee82ee },
+  { "wheat", 0xfff5deb3 },
+  { "white", 0xffffffff },
+  { "whitesmoke", 0xfff5f5f5 },
+  { "yellow", 0xffffff00 },
+  { "yellowgreen", 0xff9acd32 }
+static inline void
+_to_color(const char *str, int *r, int *g, int *b, Eina_Stringshare** ref)
+   unsigned int i, len = strlen(str);
+   char *red, *green, *blue;
+   unsigned char tr, tg, tb;
+   if (len == 4 && str[0] == '#')
+     {
+        // case for "#456" should be interprete as "#445566"
+        if (isxdigit(str[1]) &&
+            isxdigit(str[2]) &&
+            isxdigit(str[3]))
+          {
+             char tmp[3] = { '\0', '\0', '\0' };
+             tmp[0] = str[1]; tmp[1] = str[1]; *r = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
+             tmp[0] = str[2]; tmp[1] = str[2]; *g = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
+             tmp[0] = str[3]; tmp[1] = str[3]; *b = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
+          }
+     }
+   else if (len == 7 && str[0] == '#')
+     {
+        if (isxdigit(str[1]) &&
+            isxdigit(str[2]) &&
+            isxdigit(str[3]) &&
+            isxdigit(str[4]) &&
+            isxdigit(str[5]) &&
+            isxdigit(str[6]))
+          {
+             char tmp[3] = { '\0', '\0', '\0' };
+             tmp[0] = str[1]; tmp[1] = str[2]; *r = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
+             tmp[0] = str[3]; tmp[1] = str[4]; *g = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
+             tmp[0] = str[5]; tmp[1] = str[6]; *b = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16);
+          }
+     }
+   else if (len >= 10 &&
+            (str[0] == 'r' || str[0] == 'R') &&
+            (str[1] == 'g' || str[1] == 'G') &&
+            (str[2] == 'b' || str[2] == 'B') &&
+            str[3] == '(' &&
+            str[len - 1] == ')')
+     {
+        tr = _color_parser(str + 4, &red);
+        if (red && *red == ',')
+          {
+             tg = _color_parser(red + 1, &green);
+             if (green && *green == ',')
+               {
+                  tb = _color_parser(green + 1, &blue);
+                  if (blue && blue[0] == ')' && blue[1] == '\0')
+                    {
+                       *r = tr; *g = tg; *b = tb;
+                    }
+               }
+          }
+     }
+   else if (len >= 3 && !strncmp(str, "url",3))
+     {
+        *ref = _id_from_url(str+3);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        //handle named color
+        for (i = 0; i < (sizeof (colors) / sizeof (colors[0])); i++)
+          if (!strcasecmp(colors[i].name, str))
+            {
+               *r = R_VAL(&(colors[i].value));
+               *g = G_VAL(&(colors[i].value));
+               *b = B_VAL(&(colors[i].value));
+            }
+     }
+static inline char *
+parse_numbers_array(char *str, double *points, int *pt_count)
+   int count = 0;
+   char *end = NULL;
+   str = _skip_space(str, NULL);
+   while (isdigit(*str) ||
+          *str == '-' ||
+          *str == '+' ||
+          *str == '.')
+     {
+        points[count++] = strtod(str, &end);
+        str = end;
+        str = _skip_space(str, NULL);
+        if (*str == ',')
+          ++str;
+        //eat the rest of space
+        str = _skip_space(str, NULL);
+     }
+   *pt_count = count;
+   return str;
+typedef enum _Matrix_State
+} Matrix_State;
+#define MATRIX_DEF(Name, Value)                 \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), Value}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   Matrix_State state;
+} matrix_tags[] = {
+/* parse transform attribute
+ *
+ */
+static Eina_Matrix3 *
+_parse_transformation_matrix(const char *value)
+   unsigned int i;
+   double points[8];
+   int pt_count = 0;
+   double sx, sy;
+   Matrix_State state = SVG_MATRIX_UNKNOWN;
+   Eina_Matrix3 *matrix = calloc(1, sizeof(Eina_Matrix3));
+   char *str = (char *)value;
+   char *end = str + strlen(str);
+   eina_matrix3_identity(matrix);
+   while (str < end)
+     {
+        if (isspace(*str) || (*str == ','))
+          {
+             ++str;
+             continue;
+          }
+        for (i = 0; i < sizeof (matrix_tags) / sizeof(matrix_tags[0]); i++)
+          if (!strncmp(matrix_tags[i].tag, str, matrix_tags[i].sz -1))
+            {
+               state = matrix_tags[i].state;
+               str += (matrix_tags[i].sz -1);
+            }
+        if ( state == SVG_MATRIX_UNKNOWN)
+          goto error;
+        str = _skip_space(str, end);
+        if (*str != '(')
+          goto error;
+        ++str;
+        str = parse_numbers_array(str, points, &pt_count);
+        if (*str != ')')
+          goto error;
+        ++str;
+        if (state == SVG_MATRIX_MATRIX)
+          {
+             Eina_Matrix3 tmp;
+             if (pt_count != 6) goto error;
+             eina_matrix3_identity(&tmp);
+             eina_matrix3_values_set(&tmp,
+                                     points[0], points[2], points[4],
+                                     points[1], points[3], points[5],
+                                     0, 0, 1);
+             eina_matrix3_compose(matrix, &tmp, matrix);
+          }
+        else if (state == SVG_MATRIX_TRANSLATE)
+          {
+             if (pt_count == 1)
+               eina_matrix3_translate(matrix, points[0], 0);
+             else if (pt_count == 2)
+               eina_matrix3_translate(matrix, points[0], points[1]);
+             else
+               goto error;
+          }
+        else if (state == SVG_MATRIX_ROTATE)
+          {
+             if (pt_count == 1)
+               {
+                  eina_matrix3_rotate(matrix, points[0] * (M_PI/180.0));
+               }
+             else if (pt_count == 3)
+               {
+                  eina_matrix3_translate(matrix, points[1], points[2]);
+                  eina_matrix3_rotate(matrix, points[0] * (M_PI/180.0));
+                  eina_matrix3_translate(matrix, -points[1], -points[2]);
+               }
+             else
+               {
+                  goto error;
+               }
+          }
+        else if (state == SVG_MATRIX_SCALE)
+          {
+             if (pt_count < 1 || pt_count > 2) goto error;
+             sx = points[0];
+             sy = sx;
+             if (pt_count == 2)
+               sy = points[1];
+             eina_matrix3_scale(matrix, sx, sy);
+          }
+     }
+ error:
+   return matrix;
+#define LENGTH_DEF(Name, Value)                 \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), Value}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   Svg_Length_Type type;
+} length_tags[] = {
+static double
+parse_length(const char *str, Svg_Length_Type *type)
+   unsigned int i;
+   double value;
+   int sz = strlen(str);
+   *type = SVG_LT_PX;
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (length_tags) / sizeof(length_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (length_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(length_tags[i].tag, str, sz))
+       {
+          *type = length_tags[i].type;
+       }
+   value = strtod(str, NULL);
+   return value;
+static Eina_Bool _parse_style_attr(void *data, const char *key, const char 
+static Eina_Bool _attr_style_node(void *data, const char *str);
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_svg_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *node = data;
+   Svg_Doc_Node *doc = &(node->node.doc);
+   Svg_Length_Type type;
+   // @TODO handle lenght unit.
+   if (!strcmp(key, "width"))
+     {
+        doc->width = parse_length(value, &type);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "height"))
+     {
+        doc->height = parse_length(value, &type);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "viewBox"))
+     {
+        if (_parse_number(&value, &doc->vx))
+          if (_parse_number(&value, &doc->vy))
+            if (_parse_number(&value, &doc->vw))
+              _parse_number(&value, &doc->vh);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "preserveAspectRatio"))
+     {
+        if (!strcmp(value, "none"))
+          doc->preserve_aspect = EINA_FALSE;
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        _attr_style_node(node, value);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _parse_style_attr(node, key, value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static void
+_handle_paint_attr(Svg_Paint* paint, const char *value)
+   if (!strcmp(value, "none"))
+     {
+        // no paint property
+        paint->none = EINA_TRUE;
+        return;
+     }
+   paint->none = EINA_FALSE;
+   if (!strcmp(value, "currentColor"))
+     {
+        paint->cur_color = EINA_TRUE;
+        return;
+     }
+   _to_color(value, &paint->r, &paint->g, &paint->b, &paint->url);
+static void
+_handle_color_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   Svg_Style_Property *style = node->style;
+   _to_color(value, &style->r, &style->g, &style->b, NULL);
+static void
+_handle_fill_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   Svg_Style_Property *style = node->style;
+   style->fill.flags |= SVG_FILL_FLAGS_PAINT;
+   _handle_paint_attr(&style->fill.paint, value);
+static void
+_handle_stroke_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   Svg_Style_Property *style = node->style;
+   style->stroke.flags |= SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_PAINT;
+   _handle_paint_attr(&style->stroke.paint, value);
+static void
+_handle_stroke_opacity_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   node->style->stroke.flags |= SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_OPACITY;
+   node->style->stroke.opacity = _to_opacity(value);
+static void
+_handle_stroke_width_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   node->style->stroke.flags |= SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_WIDTH;
+   node->style->stroke.width = _to_double(value);
+static void
+_handle_stroke_linecap_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   node->style->stroke.flags |= SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_CAP;
+   node->style->stroke.cap = _to_line_cap(value);
+static void
+_handle_stroke_linejoin_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   node->style->stroke.flags |= SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_JOIN;
+   node->style->stroke.join = _to_line_join(value);
+static void
+_handle_fill_rule_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   node->style->fill.flags |= SVG_FILL_FLAGS_FILL_RULE;
+   node->style->fill.fill_rule = _to_fill_rule(value);
+static void
+_handle_fill_opacity_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   node->style->fill.flags |= SVG_FILL_FLAGS_OPACITY;
+   node->style->fill.opacity = _to_opacity(value);
+static void
+_handle_transform_attr(Svg_Node* node, const char *value)
+   node->transform = _parse_transformation_matrix(value);
+typedef void (*Style_Method)(Svg_Node *node, const char *value);
+#define STYLE_DEF(Name, Name1)       \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), _handle_##Name1##_attr}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   Style_Method tag_handler;;
+} style_tags[] = {
+  STYLE_DEF(color, color),
+  STYLE_DEF(fill, fill),
+  STYLE_DEF(fill-rule, fill_rule),
+  STYLE_DEF(fill-opacity, fill_opacity),
+  STYLE_DEF(stroke, stroke),
+  STYLE_DEF(stroke-width, stroke_width),
+  STYLE_DEF(stroke-linejoin, stroke_linejoin),
+  STYLE_DEF(stroke-linecap, stroke_linecap),
+  STYLE_DEF(stroke-opacity, stroke_opacity),
+  STYLE_DEF(transform, transform)
+static Eina_Bool
+_parse_style_attr(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node* node = data;
+   unsigned int i;
+   int sz;
+   // trim the white space
+   key = _skip_space(key, NULL);
+   value = _skip_space(value, NULL);
+   sz = strlen(key);
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (style_tags) / sizeof(style_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (style_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(style_tags[i].tag, key, sz))
+       {
+          style_tags[i].tag_handler(node, value);
+          return EINA_TRUE;
+       }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_style_node(void *data, const char *str)
+   eina_simple_xml_attribute_w3c_parse(str,
+                                       _parse_style_attr, data);
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+/* parse g node
+ *
+ */
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_g_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *node = data;
+   if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        return _attr_style_node(node, value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "transform"))
+     {
+        node->transform = _parse_transformation_matrix(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        node->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _parse_style_attr(node, key, value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_node(Svg_Node *parent, Svg_Node_Type type)
+   Svg_Node *node = calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Node));
+   // default fill property
+   node->style = calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Style_Property));
+   // update the default value of stroke and fill
+   //
+   // default fill color is black
+   node->style->fill.paint.r = 0;
+   node->style->fill.paint.g = 0;
+   node->style->fill.paint.b = 0;
+   node->style->fill.paint.none = EINA_FALSE;
+   // default fill opacity is 1
+   node->style->fill.opacity = 255;
+   // default fill rule is nonzero
+   node->style->fill.fill_rule = EFL_GFX_FILL_RULE_WINDING;
+   // default stroke is none
+   node->style->stroke.paint.none = EINA_TRUE;
+   // default stroke opacity is 1
+   node->style->stroke.opacity = 255;
+   // default stroke width is 1
+   node->style->stroke.width = 1;
+   // default line cap is butt
+   node->style->stroke.cap = EFL_GFX_CAP_BUTT;
+   // default line join is miter
+   node->style->stroke.join = EFL_GFX_JOIN_MITER;
+   node->style->stroke.scale = 1.0;
+   node->parent = parent;
+   node->type = type;
+   node->child = NULL;
+   if (parent)
+     parent->child = eina_list_append(parent->child, node);
+   return node;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_defs_node(Svg_Node *parent EINA_UNUSED, const char *buf EINA_UNUSED, 
unsigned buflen EINA_UNUSED)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(NULL, SVG_NODE_DEFS);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    NULL, node);
+   return node;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_g_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_G);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_g_node, node);
+   return node;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_svg_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_DOC);
+   Svg_Doc_Node *doc = &(node->node.doc);
+   doc->preserve_aspect = EINA_TRUE;
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_svg_node, node);
+   return node;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_switch_node(Svg_Node *parent EINA_UNUSED, const char *buf EINA_UNUSED, 
unsigned buflen EINA_UNUSED)
+   return NULL;
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_path_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *node = data;
+   Svg_Path_Node *path = &(node->node.path);
+   if (!strcmp(key, "d"))
+     {
+        path->path = eina_stringshare_add(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        _attr_style_node(node, value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        node->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _parse_style_attr(node, key, value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_path_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_PATH);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_path_node, node);
+   return node;
+#define CIRCLE_DEF(Name, Field)       \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), offsetof(Svg_Circle_Node, Field)}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   size_t offset;
+} circle_tags[] = {
+  CIRCLE_DEF(cx, cx),
+  CIRCLE_DEF(cy, cy),
+  CIRCLE_DEF(r, r)
+/* parse the attributes for a circle element.
+ *
+ */
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_circle_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *node = data;
+   Svg_Circle_Node *circle = &(node->;
+   unsigned int i;
+   unsigned char *array;
+   int sz = strlen(key);
+   array = (unsigned char*) circle;
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (circle_tags) / sizeof(circle_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (circle_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(circle_tags[i].tag, key, sz))
+       {
+          *((double*) (array + circle_tags[i].offset)) = _to_double(value);
+          return EINA_TRUE;
+       }
+   if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        _attr_style_node(node, value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        node->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _parse_style_attr(node, key, value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_circle_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_CIRCLE);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_circle_node, node);
+   return node;
+#define ELLIPSE_DEF(Name, Field)       \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), offsetof(Svg_Ellipse_Node, Field)}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   size_t offset;
+} ellipse_tags[] = {
+  ELLIPSE_DEF(cx,cx),
+  ELLIPSE_DEF(cy,cy),
+  ELLIPSE_DEF(rx,rx),
+  ELLIPSE_DEF(ry,ry)
+/* parse the attributes for an ellipse element.
+ *
+ */
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_ellipse_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *node = data;
+   Svg_Ellipse_Node *ellipse = &(node->node.ellipse);
+   unsigned int i;
+   unsigned char *array;
+   int sz = strlen(key);
+   array = (unsigned char*) ellipse;
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (ellipse_tags) / sizeof(ellipse_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (ellipse_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(ellipse_tags[i].tag, key, 
+       {
+          *((double*) (array + ellipse_tags[i].offset)) = _to_double(value);
+          return EINA_TRUE;
+       }
+   if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        node->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        _attr_style_node(node, value);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _parse_style_attr(node, key, value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_ellipse_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_ELLIPSE);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_ellipse_node, node);
+   return node;
+static void
+_attr_parse_polygon_points(const char *str, double **points, int *point_count)
+   double tmp[50];
+   int tmp_count=0;
+   int count = 0;
+   double num;
+   double *point_array = NULL, *tmp_array;
+   while (_parse_number(&str, &num))
+     {
+        tmp[tmp_count++] = num;
+        if (tmp_count == 50)
+          {
+             tmp_array = realloc(point_array, (count + tmp_count) * 
+             if (!tmp_array) goto error_alloc;
+             point_array = tmp_array;
+             memcpy(&point_array[count], tmp, tmp_count * sizeof(double));
+             count += tmp_count;
+             tmp_count = 0;
+          }
+     }
+   if (tmp_count > 0)
+     {
+        tmp_array = realloc(point_array, (count + tmp_count) * sizeof(double));
+        if (!tmp_array) goto error_alloc;
+        point_array = tmp_array;
+        memcpy(&point_array[count], tmp, tmp_count * sizeof(double));
+        count += tmp_count;
+     }
+   *point_count = count;
+   *points = point_array;
+   return;
+   ERR("allocation for point array failed. out of memory");
+   abort();
+/* parse the attributes for a polygon element.
+ *
+ */
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_polygon_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *node = data;
+   Svg_Polygon_Node *polygon = NULL;
+   if (node->type == SVG_NODE_POLYGON)
+     polygon = &(node->node.polygon);
+   else
+     polygon = &(node->node.polyline);
+   if (!strcmp(key, "points"))
+     {
+        _attr_parse_polygon_points(value, &polygon->points, 
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        _attr_style_node(node, value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        node->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _parse_style_attr(node, key, value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_polygon_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
-   INF("No Implementation Yet");
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_POLYGON);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_polygon_node, node);
+   return node;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_polyline_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_POLYLINE);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_polygon_node, node);
+   return node;
+#define RECT_DEF(Name, Field)       \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), offsetof(Svg_Rect_Node, Field)}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   size_t offset;
+} rect_tags[] = {
+  RECT_DEF(x,x),
+  RECT_DEF(y, y),
+  RECT_DEF(width, w),
+  RECT_DEF(height, h),
+  RECT_DEF(rx, rx),
+  RECT_DEF(ry, ry)
+/* parse the attributes for a rect element.
+ *
+ */
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_rect_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *node = data;
+   Svg_Rect_Node *rect = & (node->node.rect);
+   unsigned int i;
+   unsigned char *array;
+   int sz = strlen(key);
+   array = (unsigned char*) rect;
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (rect_tags) / sizeof(rect_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (rect_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(rect_tags[i].tag, key, sz))
+       {
+          *((double*) (array + rect_tags[i].offset)) = _to_double(value);
+          return EINA_TRUE;
+       }
+   if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        node->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        _attr_style_node(node, value);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _parse_style_attr(node, key, value);
+     }
+   if (!EINA_DBL_EQ(rect->rx, 0) && EINA_DBL_EQ(rect->ry, 0)) rect->ry = 
+   if (!EINA_DBL_EQ(rect->ry, 0) && EINA_DBL_EQ(rect->rx, 0)) rect->rx = 
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_rect_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_RECT);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_rect_node, node);
+   return node;
+#define LINE_DEF(Name, Field)       \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), offsetof(Svg_Line_Node, Field)}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   size_t offset;
+} line_tags[] = {
+  LINE_DEF(x1, x1),
+  LINE_DEF(y1, y1),
+  LINE_DEF(x2, x2),
+  LINE_DEF(y2, y2)
+/* parse the attributes for a rect element.
+ *
+ */
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_line_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *node = data;
+   Svg_Line_Node *line = & (node->node.line);
+   unsigned int i;
+   unsigned char *array;
+   int sz = strlen(key);
+   array = (unsigned char*) line;
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (line_tags) / sizeof(line_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (line_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(line_tags[i].tag, key, sz))
+       {
+          *((double*) (array + line_tags[i].offset)) = _to_double(value);
+          return EINA_TRUE;
+       }
+   if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        node->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        _attr_style_node(node, value);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _parse_style_attr(node, key, value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_line_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_LINE);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_line_node, node);
+   return node;
+static Eina_Stringshare *
+_id_from_href(const char *href)
+   href = _skip_space(href, NULL);
+   if ((*href) == '#')
+     href++;
+   return eina_stringshare_add(href);
+static Svg_Node*
+_get_defs_node(Svg_Node *node)
+   if (!node) return NULL;
+   while (node->parent != NULL)
+     {
+        node = node->parent;
+     }
+   if (node->type == SVG_NODE_DOC)
+     return node->node.doc.defs;
+   return NULL;
+static Svg_Node*
+_find_child_by_id(Svg_Node *node, const char *id)
+   Eina_List *l;
+   Svg_Node *child;
+   if (!node) return NULL;
+   EINA_LIST_FOREACH(node->child, l, child)
+     {
+        if ((child->id != NULL) && !strcmp(child->id, id))
+          return child;
+     }
    return NULL;
+static Eina_List *
+_clone_grad_stops(Eina_List *from)
+   Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop *stop;
+   Eina_List *l;
+   Eina_List *res = NULL;
+   EINA_LIST_FOREACH(from, l, stop)
+     {
+        Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop *new_stop;
+        new_stop = calloc(1, sizeof(Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop));
+        memcpy(new_stop, stop, sizeof(Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop));
+        res = eina_list_append(res, new_stop);
+     }
+   return res;
+static Svg_Style_Gradient *
+_clone_gradient(Svg_Style_Gradient *from)
+   Svg_Style_Gradient *grad;
+   if (!from) return NULL;
+   grad= calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Style_Gradient));
+   grad->type = from->type;
+   grad->id = _copy_id(from->id);
+   grad->ref = _copy_id(from->ref);
+   grad->spread = from->spread;
+   grad->stops = _clone_grad_stops(from->stops);
+   if (grad->type == SVG_LINEAR_GRADIENT)
+     {
+        grad->linear = calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Linear_Gradient));
+        memcpy(grad->linear, from->linear, sizeof(Svg_Linear_Gradient));
+     }
+   else if (grad->type == SVG_RADIAL_GRADIENT)
+     {
+        grad->radial = calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Radial_Gradient));
+        memcpy(grad->radial, from->radial, sizeof(Svg_Radial_Gradient));
+     }
+   return grad;
+static void
+_copy_attribute(Svg_Node *to, Svg_Node *from)
+   // copy matrix attribute
+   if (from->transform)
+     {
+        to->transform = calloc(1, sizeof(Eina_Matrix3));
+        eina_matrix3_copy(to->transform, from->transform);
+     }
+   // copy style attribute;
+   memcpy(to->style, from->style, sizeof(Svg_Style_Property));
+   // copy node attribute
+   switch (from->type)
+     {
+        case SVG_NODE_CIRCLE:
+           to-> = from->;
+           to-> = from->;
+           to-> = from->;
+           break;
+        case SVG_NODE_ELLIPSE:
+           to-> = from->;
+           to-> = from->;
+           to->node.ellipse.rx = from->node.ellipse.rx;
+           to->node.ellipse.ry = from->node.ellipse.ry;
+           break;
+        case SVG_NODE_RECT:
+           to->node.rect.x = from->node.rect.x;
+           to->node.rect.y = from->node.rect.y;
+           to->node.rect.w = from->node.rect.w;
+           to->node.rect.h = from->node.rect.h;
+           to->node.rect.rx = from->node.rect.rx;
+           to->node.rect.ry = from->node.rect.ry;
+           break;
+        case SVG_NODE_LINE:
+           to->node.line.x1 = from->node.line.x1;
+           to->node.line.y1 = from->node.line.y1;
+           to->node.line.x2 = from->node.line.x2;
+           to->node.line.y2 = from->node.line.y2;
+           break;
+        case SVG_NODE_PATH:
+           to->node.path.path = eina_stringshare_add(from->node.path.path);
+           break;
+        case SVG_NODE_POLYGON:
+           to->node.polygon.points_count = from->node.polygon.points_count;
+           to->node.polygon.points = calloc(to->node.polygon.points_count, 
+           break;
+        case SVG_NODE_POLYLINE:
+           to->node.polyline.points_count = from->node.polyline.points_count;
+           to->node.polyline.points = calloc(to->node.polyline.points_count, 
+           break;
+        default:
+           break;
+     }
+static void
+_clone_node(Svg_Node *from, Svg_Node *parent)
+   Svg_Node *new_node;
+   Eina_List *l;
+   Svg_Node *child;
+   if (!from) return;
+   new_node = _create_node(parent, from->type);
+   _copy_attribute(new_node, from);
+   EINA_LIST_FOREACH(from->child, l, child)
+     {
+         _clone_node(child, new_node);
+     }
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_use_node(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Svg_Node *defs, *node_from, *node = data;
+   Eina_Stringshare *id;
+   if (!strcmp(key, "xlink:href"))
+     {
+        id = _id_from_href(value);
+        defs = _get_defs_node(node);
+        node_from = _find_child_by_id(defs, id);
+        _clone_node(node_from, node);
+        eina_stringshare_del(id);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        _attr_parse_g_node(data, key, value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Node *
+_create_use_node(Svg_Node *parent, const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Node *node = _create_node(parent, SVG_NODE_G);
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_use_node, node);
+   return node;
+#define TAG_DEF(Name)                                   \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), _create_##Name##_node }
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   Factory_Method tag_handler;
+} graphics_tags[] = {
+  TAG_DEF(use),
+  TAG_DEF(circle),
+  TAG_DEF(ellipse),
+  TAG_DEF(path),
+  TAG_DEF(polygon),
+  TAG_DEF(rect),
+  TAG_DEF(polyline),
+  TAG_DEF(line),
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   Factory_Method tag_handler;
+} group_tags[] = {
+  TAG_DEF(defs),
+  TAG_DEF(g),
+  TAG_DEF(svg),
+  TAG_DEF(switch)
+#define FIND_FACTORY(Short_Name, Tags_Array)                            \
+  static Factory_Method                                                 \
+  _find_##Short_Name##_factory(const char  *name)                       \
+  {                                                                     \
+     unsigned int i;                                                    \
+     int sz = strlen(name);                                             \
+                                                                        \
+     for (i = 0; i < sizeof (Tags_Array) / sizeof(Tags_Array[0]); i++)  \
+       if (Tags_Array[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(Tags_Array[i].tag, name, 
sz)) \
+         {                                                              \
+            return Tags_Array[i].tag_handler;                           \
+         }                                                              \
+     return NULL;                                                       \
+  }
+FIND_FACTORY(group, group_tags);
+FIND_FACTORY(graphics, graphics_tags);
+_parse_spread_value(const char *value)
+   Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Spread spread = EFL_GFX_GRADIENT_SPREAD_PAD;
+   if (!strcmp(value, "reflect"))
+     {
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(value, "repeat"))
+     {
+     }
+   return spread;
+static void
+_handle_radial_cx_attr(Svg_Radial_Gradient* radial, const char *value)
+   radial->cx = _to_double(value);
+static void
+_handle_radial_cy_attr(Svg_Radial_Gradient* radial, const char *value)
+   radial->cy = _to_double(value);
+static void
+_handle_radial_fx_attr(Svg_Radial_Gradient* radial, const char *value)
+   radial->fx = _to_double(value);
+static void
+_handle_radial_fy_attr(Svg_Radial_Gradient* radial, const char *value)
+   radial->fy = _to_double(value);
+static void
+_handle_radial_r_attr(Svg_Radial_Gradient* radial, const char *value)
+   radial->r = _to_double(value);
+typedef void (*Radial_Method)(Svg_Radial_Gradient *radial, const char *value);
+#define RADIAL_DEF(Name)       \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), _handle_radial_##Name##_attr}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   Radial_Method tag_handler;;
+} radial_tags[] = {
+  RADIAL_DEF(cx),
+  RADIAL_DEF(cy),
+  RADIAL_DEF(fx),
+  RADIAL_DEF(fy),
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_radial_gradient_node(void *data, const char *key, const char 
+   Svg_Style_Gradient *grad = data;
+   Svg_Radial_Gradient *radial = grad->radial;
+   unsigned int i;
+   int sz = strlen(key);
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (radial_tags) / sizeof(radial_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (radial_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(radial_tags[i].tag, key, sz))
+       {
+          radial_tags[i].tag_handler(radial, value);
+          return EINA_TRUE;
+       }
+   if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        grad->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "spreadMethod"))
+     {
+        grad->spread = _parse_spread_value(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "xlink:href"))
+     {
+        grad->ref = _id_from_href(value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Style_Gradient *
+_create_radialGradient(const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Style_Gradient *grad = calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Style_Gradient));
+   grad->type = SVG_RADIAL_GRADIENT;
+   grad->radial = calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Radial_Gradient));
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_radial_gradient_node, grad);
+   return grad;
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_stops(void *data, const char *key, const char *value)
+   Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop *stop = data;
+   if (!strcmp(key, "offset"))
+     {
+        stop->offset = _to_double(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "stop-opacity"))
+     {
+        stop->a = _to_opacity(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "stop-color"))
+     {
+        _to_color(value, &stop->r, &stop->g, &stop->b, NULL);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "style"))
+     {
+        eina_simple_xml_attribute_w3c_parse(value,
+                                            _attr_parse_stops, data);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static void
+_handle_linear_x1_attr(Svg_Linear_Gradient* linear, const char *value)
+   linear->x1 = _to_double(value);
+static void
+_handle_linear_y1_attr(Svg_Linear_Gradient* linear, const char *value)
+   linear->y1 = _to_double(value);
+static void
+_handle_linear_x2_attr(Svg_Linear_Gradient* linear, const char *value)
+   linear->x2 = _to_double(value);
+static void
+_handle_linear_y2_attr(Svg_Linear_Gradient* linear, const char *value)
+   linear->y2 = _to_double(value);
+typedef void (*Linear_Method)(Svg_Linear_Gradient *linear, const char *value);
+#define LINEAR_DEF(Name)       \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), _handle_linear_##Name##_attr}
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   Linear_Method tag_handler;;
+} linear_tags[] = {
+  LINEAR_DEF(x1),
+  LINEAR_DEF(y1),
+  LINEAR_DEF(x2),
+static Eina_Bool
+_attr_parse_linear_gradient_node(void *data, const char *key, const char 
+   Svg_Style_Gradient *grad = data;
+   Svg_Linear_Gradient *linear = grad->linear;
+   unsigned int i;
+   int sz = strlen(key);
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (linear_tags) / sizeof(linear_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (linear_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(linear_tags[i].tag, key, sz))
+       {
+          linear_tags[i].tag_handler(linear, value);
+          return EINA_TRUE;
+       }
+   if (!strcmp(key, "id"))
+     {
+        grad->id = _copy_id(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "spreadMethod"))
+     {
+        grad->spread = _parse_spread_value(value);
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(key, "xlink:href"))
+     {
+        grad->ref = _id_from_href(value);
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static Svg_Style_Gradient *
+_create_linearGradient(const char *buf, unsigned buflen)
+   Svg_Style_Gradient *grad = calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Style_Gradient));
+   grad->type = SVG_LINEAR_GRADIENT;
+   grad->linear = calloc(1, sizeof(Svg_Linear_Gradient));
+   eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(buf, buflen,
+                                    _attr_parse_linear_gradient_node, grad);
+   return grad;
+#define GRADIENT_DEF(Name)                                   \
+  { #Name, sizeof (#Name), _create_##Name }
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   int sz;
+   Gradient_Factory_Method tag_handler;
+} gradient_tags[] = {
+  GRADIENT_DEF(linearGradient),
+  GRADIENT_DEF(radialGradient)
+static Gradient_Factory_Method
+_find_gradient_factory(const char  *name)
+   unsigned int i;
+   int sz = strlen(name);
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (gradient_tags) / sizeof(gradient_tags[0]); i++)
+     if (gradient_tags[i].sz - 1 == sz && !strncmp(gradient_tags[i].tag, name, 
+       {
+          return gradient_tags[i].tag_handler;
+       }
+   return NULL;
+static void
+_evas_svg_loader_xml_open_parser(Evas_SVG_Loader *loader,
+                                 const char *content, unsigned int length)
+   const char *attrs = NULL;
+   int attrs_length = 0;
+   int sz = length;
+   char tag_name[20] = "";
+   Factory_Method method;
+   Gradient_Factory_Method gradient_method;
+   Svg_Node *node = NULL, *parent;
+   loader->level++;
+   attrs = eina_simple_xml_tag_attributes_find(content, length);
+   if (!attrs)
+     {
+        // parse the empty tag
+        attrs = content;
+        while ((attrs != NULL) && *attrs != '>')
+          attrs++;
+     }
+   if (attrs)
+     {
+        // find out the tag name starting from content till sz length
+        sz = attrs - content;
+        attrs_length = length - sz;
+        while ((sz > 0) && (isspace(content[sz - 1])))
+          sz--;
+        strncpy(tag_name, content, sz);
+        tag_name[sz] = '\0';
+     }
+   if ((method = _find_group_factory(tag_name)))
+     {
+        //group
+        if (!loader->doc)
+          {
+             if (strcmp(tag_name, "svg"))
+               return; // Not a valid svg document
+             node = method(NULL, attrs, attrs_length);
+             loader->doc = node;
+          }
+        else
+          {
+             parent = eina_array_data_get(loader->stack, 
eina_array_count(loader->stack) - 1);
+             node = method(parent, attrs, attrs_length);
+          }
+        eina_array_push(loader->stack, node);
+        if (node->type == SVG_NODE_DEFS)
+        {
+          loader->doc->node.doc.defs = node;
+          loader->def = node;
+        }
+     }
+   else if ((method = _find_graphics_factory(tag_name)))
+     {
+        parent = eina_array_data_get(loader->stack, 
eina_array_count(loader->stack) - 1);
+        node = method(parent, attrs, attrs_length);
+     }
+   else if ((gradient_method = _find_gradient_factory(tag_name)))
+     {
+        Svg_Style_Gradient *gradient;
+        gradient = gradient_method(attrs, attrs_length);
+        if (loader->doc->node.doc.defs)
+          {
+             loader->def->node.defs.gradients = 
eina_list_append(loader->def->node.defs.gradients, gradient);
+          }
+        loader->gradient = gradient;
+     }
+   else if (!strcmp(tag_name, "stop"))
+     {
+        Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop *stop = calloc(1, sizeof(Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop));
+        eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(attrs, attrs_length,
+                                    _attr_parse_stops, stop);
+        if (loader->gradient)
+          loader->gradient->stops = eina_list_append(loader->gradient->stops, 
+     }
+#define POP_TAG(Tag)                            \
+  { #Tag, sizeof (#Tag) }
+static const struct {
+   const char *tag;
+   size_t sz;
+} pop_array[] = {
+  POP_TAG(g),
+  POP_TAG(svg),
+  POP_TAG(defs)
+static void
+_evas_svg_loader_xml_close_parser(Evas_SVG_Loader *loader,
+                                  const char *content,
+                                  unsigned int length EINA_UNUSED)
+   unsigned int i;
+   content = _skip_space(content, NULL);
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (pop_array) / sizeof (pop_array[0]); i++)
+     if (!strncmp(content, pop_array[i].tag, pop_array[i].sz - 1))
+       {
+          eina_array_pop(loader->stack);
+          break ;
+       }
+   loader->level--;
+static Eina_Bool
+_evas_svg_loader_parser(void *data, Eina_Simple_XML_Type type,
+                        const char *content,
+                        unsigned int offset EINA_UNUSED, unsigned int length)
+   Evas_SVG_Loader *loader = data;
+   switch (type)
+     {
+         _evas_svg_loader_xml_open_parser(loader, content, length);
+         break;
+         _evas_svg_loader_xml_open_parser(loader, content, length);
+         break;
+         _evas_svg_loader_xml_close_parser(loader, content, length);
+         break;
+         break;
+         break;
+      default:
+         break;
+     }
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static void
+_inherit_style(Svg_Style_Property *child, Svg_Style_Property *parent)
+   if (parent == NULL)
+     return;
+   // inherit the property of parent if not present in child. 
+   // fill
+   if (!(child->fill.flags & SVG_FILL_FLAGS_PAINT))
+     {
+        child->fill.paint.r = parent->fill.paint.r;
+        child->fill.paint.g = parent->fill.paint.g;
+        child->fill.paint.b = parent->fill.paint.b;
+        child->fill.paint.none = parent->fill.paint.none;
+        child->fill.paint.cur_color = parent->fill.paint.cur_color;
+        child->fill.paint.url = _copy_id(parent->fill.paint.url);
+     }
+   if (!(child->fill.flags & SVG_FILL_FLAGS_OPACITY))
+     {
+        child->fill.opacity = parent->fill.opacity;
+     }
+   if (!(child->fill.flags & SVG_FILL_FLAGS_FILL_RULE))
+     {
+        child->fill.fill_rule = parent->fill.fill_rule;
+     }
+   // stroke
+   if (!(child->stroke.flags & SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_PAINT))
+     {
+        child->stroke.paint.r = parent->stroke.paint.r;
+        child->stroke.paint.g = parent->stroke.paint.g;
+        child->stroke.paint.b = parent->stroke.paint.b;
+        child->stroke.paint.none = parent->stroke.paint.none;
+        child->stroke.paint.cur_color = parent->stroke.paint.cur_color;
+        child->stroke.paint.url = _copy_id(parent->stroke.paint.url);
+     }
+   if (!(child->stroke.flags & SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_OPACITY))
+     {
+        child->stroke.opacity = parent->stroke.opacity;
+     }
+   if (!(child->stroke.flags & SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_WIDTH))
+     {
+        child->stroke.width = parent->stroke.width;
+     }
+   if (!(child->stroke.flags & SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_CAP))
+     {
+        child->stroke.cap = parent->stroke.cap;
+     }
+   if (!(child->stroke.flags & SVG_STROKE_FLAGS_JOIN))
+     {
+        child->stroke.join = parent->stroke.join;
+     }
+_update_style(Svg_Node *node, Svg_Style_Property *parent_style)
+   Eina_List *l;
+   Svg_Node *child;
+   _inherit_style(node->style, parent_style);
+   EINA_LIST_FOREACH(node->child, l, child)
+     {
+        _update_style(child, node->style);
+     }
+static Svg_Style_Gradient*
+_dup_gradient(Eina_List *grad_list, const char *id)
+   Svg_Style_Gradient *grad;
+   Svg_Style_Gradient *result = NULL;
+   Eina_List *l;
+   EINA_LIST_FOREACH(grad_list, l, grad)
+     {
+        if (!strcmp(grad->id, id))
+          {
+             result = _clone_gradient(grad);
+             break;
+          }
+     }
+   if (result && result->ref)
+     {
+        EINA_LIST_FOREACH(grad_list, l, grad)
+          {
+             if (!strcmp(grad->id, result->ref))
+               {
+                  if (!result->stops)
+                    {
+                       result->stops = _clone_grad_stops(grad->stops);
+                    }
+                  //TODO properly inherit other property
+                  break;
+               }
+         }
+     }
+   return result;
+_update_gradient(Svg_Node *node, Eina_List *grad_list)
+   Eina_List *l;
+   Svg_Node *child;
+   if (node->child)
+     {
+        EINA_LIST_FOREACH(node->child, l, child)
+          {
+             _update_gradient(child, grad_list);
+          }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        if (node->style->fill.paint.url)
+          {
+             node->style->fill.paint.gradient = _dup_gradient(grad_list, 
+          }
+        else if (node->style->stroke.paint.url)
+          {
+             node->style->stroke.paint.gradient = _dup_gradient(grad_list, 
+          }
+     }
+static Vg_File_Data*
+evas_vg_load_file_data_svg(const char *file, const char *key EINA_UNUSED, int 
+   Evas_SVG_Loader loader = {
+   };
+   const char   *content;
+   unsigned int  length;
+   Svg_Node     *defs;
+   Eina_File    *f;
+   f = eina_file_open(file, EINA_FALSE);
+   if (!f)
+     {
+        return NULL;
+     }
+   length = eina_file_size_get(f);
+   content = eina_file_map_all(f, EINA_FILE_SEQUENTIAL);
+   if (content)
+     {
+       loader.stack = eina_array_new(8);
+       eina_simple_xml_parse(content, length, EINA_TRUE,
+                                 _evas_svg_loader_parser, &loader);
+       eina_array_free(loader.stack);
+       eina_file_map_free(f, (void*) content);
+     }
+   if (loader.doc)
+     {
+        _update_style(loader.doc, NULL);
+        defs = loader.doc->node.doc.defs;
+        if (defs)
+          _update_gradient(loader.doc, defs->node.defs.gradients);
+        *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+        *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_GENERIC;
+     }
+     return vg_common_create_vg_node(loader.doc);
 static Evas_Vg_Load_Func evas_vg_load_svg_func =
@@ -34,12 +2119,24 @@ module_open(Evas_Module *em)
    if (!em) return 0;
    em->functions = (void *)(&evas_vg_load_svg_func);
+   _evas_vg_loader_svg_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register
+     ("vg-load-svg", EVAS_DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR);
+   if (_evas_vg_loader_svg_log_dom < 0)
+     {
+        EINA_LOG_ERR("Can not create a module log domain.");
+        return 0;
+     }
    return 1;
 static void
 module_close(Evas_Module *em EINA_UNUSED)
+   if (_evas_vg_loader_svg_log_dom >= 0)
+     {
+        eina_log_domain_unregister(_evas_vg_loader_svg_log_dom);
+        _evas_vg_loader_svg_log_dom = -1;
+     }
 static Evas_Module_Api evas_modapi =


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