gitk crashes for single file with German environment

Git 2.6.2                         
Installed with homebrew
Platform Apple OS X 10.10.5
shell: zsh 5.0.5 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.0)
environment: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
gitk is very useful to show the commit history of one file. However it crashes 
on me.
gitk myfile
produces the following error:

Error in startup script: bad menu entry index "Ansicht bearbeiten ..."
    while executing
".bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state normal"
    invoked from within
"if {$cmdline_files ne {} || $revtreeargs ne {} || $revtreeargscmd ne {}} {
    # create a view for the files/dirs specified on the command line
    (file "/usr/local/bin/gitk" line 12442)

It seems the problem has to do with the start script trying to get the 
localized menu item of "Edit view..." in German "Ansicht bearbeiten ..." and 
that fails.

When I change the language in my environment 
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
everything works as expected.

If I start gitk without any arguments and German environment 
(LANG=de_DE.UTF-8), it starts up fine. However the German localization is 
missing from the menubar, it's completely in English. Buttons and labels inside 
the window are localized into German properly. See screenshot
It's apparent then, that the script does not get a menu entry that corresponds 
to the localized string.

Thank you

Jörg Bühmann

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