Add formatting options %(objectsize:disk) and %(deltabase), as in
cat-file command.

I can not test %(deltabase) properly (I mean, I want to have test with
meaningful deltabase in the result - now we have only with zeros). I
tested it manually on my git repo, and I have not-null deltabases
there. We have "t/" with similar case, but it is
about blobs. ref-filter does not work with blobs, I need to write test
about refs, and I feel that I can't catch the idea (and it is hard for
me to write in Shell).

Finally, I want to remove formatting logic in cat-file and use
functions from ref-filter (we are almost there, so many work was done
for this). I had an idea to make this migration in this patch (and
stop worrying about bad tests about deltabase: we already have such
test for cat-file and hopefully that could be enough). But I have
another question there. cat-file has one more formatting option:
"rest" [1]. Do we want such formatting option in ref-filter? It's
easier for me to support that in ref-filter than to leave it only
specifically for cat-file.

Thank you!


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