Nazri Ramliy writes:
> When rebasing these upwards of 40+ commits, it is helpful if the
> rebase instruction sheet shows me the actual files that the commits
> affect so I made this patch (sorry I couldn't attach it inline since
> gmail eats all the tabs) that adds the "--show-files" option to
On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Nazri Ramliy wrote:
> Hi,
> When working on a "new feature branch" that touches a lot of files I
> tend to make commits that affect only single files, and for very small
> changes. Since at this stage I'm experimentating a lot - trying out
> ideas, etc. - the
When working on a "new feature branch" that touches a lot of files I
tend to make commits that affect only single files, and for very small
changes. Since at this stage I'm experimentating a lot - trying out
ideas, etc. - the commits tend to grow a lot (could be 50-70
individual commits, each
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