
When running `git fetch` it returns every time the same 100+ branches
that didn't change at all but still specifies them as new branches in
the server. It also prints the branches that did change.

I don't see this behavior in other repositories I contribute. how do I fix it?

The same output of `git fetch` multiple times:


    From github.com:Stratoscale/mui
    + 499a9ae65...63b55f08e Itai/ui-2837-validate-user-name  ->
origin/Itai/ui-2837-validate-user-name  (forced update)
    * [new branch]          aaaa1                            -> origin/aaaa1
    * [new branch]          aaaa2                            -> origin/aaaa2
    * [new branch]          aaaa3                            -> origin/aaaa3


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