On Feb 20, 2015, at 9:16 PM, Technext wrote:

> Thanks Junio for the prompt reply! :) Yes, that's exactly how i would like
> things to be. I'll definitely try to push this thing and see if this flow
> can be implemented.
> However, can you please guide me whether there's any way i could have
> figured out about the git reset command that the developer executed on his
> local? (my first query)
> Also, am i right in thinking that a check cannot be implemented using hooks
> or any other similar way? (my second query)

We have this on our repo.git/config file:

    denyDeletes = true
    denyNonFastForwards = true

This should prevent people from
denyDeletes - deleting a branch
denyNonFastForwards - force push/reset of a remote branch


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