Commit:     254753dc321ea2b753ca9bc58ac329557a20efac
Parent:     6e82a3befe91423e501c2124312bd805be0048eb
Author:     Ingo Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AuthorDate: Thu Aug 9 11:16:51 2007 +0200
Committer:  Ingo Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CommitDate: Thu Aug 9 11:16:51 2007 +0200

    sched: make the multiplication table more accurate
    do small deltas in the weight and multiplication constant table so
    that the worst-case numeric error is better than 1:100000000. (8 digits)
    the current error table is:
         nice       mult *   inv_mult   error
         -20:      88761 *      48388  -0.0000000065
         -19:      71755 *      59856  -0.0000000037
         -18:      56483 *      76040   0.0000000056
         -17:      46273 *      92818   0.0000000042
         -16:      36291 *     118348  -0.0000000065
         -15:      29154 *     147320  -0.0000000037
         -14:      23254 *     184698  -0.0000000009
         -13:      18705 *     229616  -0.0000000037
         -12:      14949 *     287308  -0.0000000009
         -11:      11916 *     360437  -0.0000000009
         -10:       9548 *     449829  -0.0000000009
          -9:       7620 *     563644  -0.0000000037
          -8:       6100 *     704093   0.0000000009
          -7:       4904 *     875809   0.0000000093
          -6:       3906 *    1099582  -0.0000000009
          -5:       3121 *    1376151  -0.0000000058
          -4:       2501 *    1717300   0.0000000009
          -3:       1991 *    2157191  -0.0000000035
          -2:       1586 *    2708050   0.0000000009
          -1:       1277 *    3363326   0.0000000014
           0:       1024 *    4194304   0.0000000000
           1:        820 *    5237765   0.0000000009
           2:        655 *    6557202   0.0000000033
           3:        526 *    8165337  -0.0000000079
           4:        423 *   10153587   0.0000000012
           5:        335 *   12820798   0.0000000079
           6:        272 *   15790321   0.0000000037
           7:        215 *   19976592  -0.0000000037
           8:        172 *   24970740  -0.0000000037
           9:        137 *   31350126  -0.0000000079
          10:        110 *   39045157  -0.0000000061
          11:         87 *   49367440  -0.0000000037
          12:         70 *   61356676   0.0000000056
          13:         56 *   76695844  -0.0000000075
          14:         45 *   95443717  -0.0000000072
          15:         36 *  119304647  -0.0000000009
          16:         29 *  148102320  -0.0000000037
          17:         23 *  186737708  -0.0000000028
          18:         18 *  238609294  -0.0000000009
          19:         15 *  286331153  -0.0000000002
    Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 kernel/sched.c |   29 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kernel/sched.c b/kernel/sched.c
index afc59f2..5470ab0 100644
--- a/kernel/sched.c
+++ b/kernel/sched.c
@@ -704,11 +704,14 @@ static void update_load_sub(struct load_weight *lw, 
unsigned long dec)
  * the relative distance between them is ~25%.)
 static const int prio_to_weight[40] = {
-/* -20 */ 88818, 71054, 56843, 45475, 36380, 29104, 23283, 18626, 14901, 11921,
-/* -10 */  9537,  7629,  6103,  4883,  3906,  3125,  2500,  2000,  1600,  1280,
-/*   0 */  NICE_0_LOAD /* 1024 */,
-/*   1 */          819,   655,   524,   419,   336,   268,   215,   172,   137,
-/*  10 */   110,    87,    70,    56,    45,    36,    29,    23,    18,    15,
+ /* -20 */     88761,     71755,     56483,     46273,     36291,
+ /* -15 */     29154,     23254,     18705,     14949,     11916,
+ /* -10 */      9548,      7620,      6100,      4904,      3906,
+ /*  -5 */      3121,      2501,      1991,      1586,      1277,
+ /*   0 */      1024,       820,       655,       526,       423,
+ /*   5 */       335,       272,       215,       172,       137,
+ /*  10 */       110,        87,        70,        56,        45,
+ /*  15 */        36,        29,        23,        18,        15,
@@ -719,14 +722,14 @@ static const int prio_to_weight[40] = {
  * into multiplications:
 static const u32 prio_to_wmult[40] = {
-/* -20 */     48356,     60446,     75558,     94446,    118058,
-/* -15 */    147573,    184467,    230589,    288233,    360285,
-/* -10 */    450347,    562979,    703746,    879575,   1099582,
-/*  -5 */   1374389,   1717986,   2147483,   2684354,   3355443,
-/*   0 */   4194304,   5244160,   6557201,   8196502,  10250518,
-/*   5 */  12782640,  16025997,  19976592,  24970740,  31350126,
-/*  10 */  39045157,  49367440,  61356675,  76695844,  95443717,
-/*  15 */ 119304647, 148102320, 186737708, 238609294, 286331153,
+ /* -20 */     48388,     59856,     76040,     92818,    118348,
+ /* -15 */    147320,    184698,    229616,    287308,    360437,
+ /* -10 */    449829,    563644,    704093,    875809,   1099582,
+ /*  -5 */   1376151,   1717300,   2157191,   2708050,   3363326,
+ /*   0 */   4194304,   5237765,   6557202,   8165337,  10153587,
+ /*   5 */  12820798,  15790321,  19976592,  24970740,  31350126,
+ /*  10 */  39045157,  49367440,  61356676,  76695844,  95443717,
+ /*  15 */ 119304647, 148102320, 186737708, 238609294, 286331153,
 static void activate_task(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int wakeup);
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