Thanks Rémi, you saved me a lot time.
I thought, if I do "git reflog" and it displays all changes I did, it will
roll back through all changes & branches.
After your answer everything become clear.
However, I think the best implementation would be to work like I proposed
to work.
Thanks very
2015-06-09 15:55 GMT-04:00 Konrád Lőrinczi :
> I did a few git rebase interactive between branches, but when I use git
> reflog & git reset --hard HEAD@{N} I can not get the same branch
> hierarchy as it was before.
> git reflog
> git reset --hard HEAD@{14}
You seem to be confused as to wh
I did a few git rebase interactive between branches, but when I use git
reflog & git reset --hard HEAD@{N} I can not get the same branch hierarchy
as it was before.
git reflog
git reset --hard HEAD@{14}
Now all local_dev, local_dev_appuserimport-under_work,