> -----Original Message-----
> From: gitorious@googlegroups.com [mailto:gitorious@googlegroups.com] On
> Behalf Of Robin
> Sent: den 9 november 2011 17:17
> To: Gitorious
> Subject: [gitorious] Problem with syntax highlighting
> Hi all,
> I just setup a new Gitorious server and it seems to be working well.
> The only problem is that I don't seem to have any syntax highlighting
> (I've tried at least matlab (.m), python and C files).
> I understand this is done client side with prettify.js, in my browser
> Error Console I see the error "$ is not defined" pointing to this part
> of the code:
> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
>   (function () {
>       if ($("#codeblob tr td.line-numbers:last").text().length < 3500)
> {                 <== Error on this line
>           prettyPrint();
>       } else {
>           $("#long-file").show().find("a#highlight-
> anyway").click(function(e){
>               prettyPrint();
>               e.preventDefault();
>           });
>       }
> so I thought this could explain the lack of highlighting.
> (I get another $ is not defined on onload.js, line 19).
> Does anyone have any ideas how I could fix this?
> Thanks

Make sure you have the sub-modules installed "git submodule init &&
git submodule update". Run "bundle exec rake assets:clear" (this 
removes all automatically generated javascript and stylesheet files.)


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