
Do you mean login page? You should log in by entering email address and 
password from LDAP, what is confusing? Or what behaviour do you expect?


On Friday, January 4, 2013 4:22:57 PM UTC+1, Manuel Felipe Lopez wrote:
> Hi
> I'm a confuse with the LDAP integration in glitorious. I'd change 
> authentication.yml file and when i run the test script, everything works 
> has expected, but i don't understand the process after this, cause if I go 
> to the page, it keeps asking me for an email address, there is something to 
> change in the admin web interface or in a config file to allow users from 
> ldap to authenticate in the web page ? 
> My  authentication.yml file
> production:
>   disable_default: false
>   methods:
>     - adapter: Gitorious::Authentication::LDAPAuthentication
>       host:
>       port: 389
>       base_dn: DC=THEDOMAIN,DC=ca
>       bind_username: "mflo...@thedomain.ca"
>       bind_password: THEPASSWD
>       user_filter:
>       username_attribute: sAMAccountName
>       encryption: none
>       login_attribute: uid
>       distinguished_name_template: "{}@THEDOMAIN.ca"
>       attribute_mapping:
>         givenName: fullname
>         mail: email
> The test result: 
> # RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec script/test_ldap_connection mflopez 
> All good, your credentials are correct
> Thanks

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