
I am newbie to Gitorious and rails.
I installed Gitorious on my private server.
I want it to work on http://foobar.com/gitorious/, not http://foobar.com/.
To achieve it I googled and found it is OK to add the following line to 
  config.action_controller.relative_url_root = "/gitorious"
After apache2 restart, this configuration is not working.
That is, when I logged in to my gitorious web UI, 
http://foobar.com/gitorious/login will redirect me to http://foobar.com/.
That's the same on logging out. (/gitorious/logout to /).

I confirmed rails has read that as follows.
root@foobar:/var/www/gitorious# RAILS_ENV=production script/console
Loading production environment (Rails 2.3.5)
>> ActionController::Base.relative_url_root
=> "/gitorious"

Any suggestions?

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