Hi Ram,
The guideline you have used is obsolete, official installation doesn't
support Ubuntu. You can install gitorious using ce-installer on Centos 6.x:
If you don't want to change your OS, you could use VM:
http://getgitorious.com/virtual-appliance and then use
Thank you very much. You saved my life guys :)
Il giorno lunedì 10 dicembre 2012 09:54:26 UTC+1, Peter Kjellerstedt ha
> This is better:
> 10 * * * * /var/www/gitorious/bin/rake ts:rebuild >/dev/null
> First of all it only runs the task once an hour rather than once eve
This is better:
10 * * * * /var/www/gitorious/bin/rake ts:rebuild >/dev/null
First of all it only runs the task once an hour rather than once every minute.
Second, it utilizes the scripts in /var/www/gitorious/bin/ which make sure the
environment is correct.
Third, it runs ts:rebuild which has b