I am the chairman of a youth group in Kenya and would like to tender our
humble request.

We will be pleased if you can help us aquire CPUs.

We are planing to start up self help projects that will be of benefit to the
youth by offering them income. Our first proposed project is to start a
cyber cafe in the neighborhood, there is a great potential in this regard in
our area because for the whole of our constituency there is not even a
single facility.

I believe you already know the condition of people of sub-Saharan Africa
that I don't need to say much.

Please contact me on the address given below.

Kennedy Odhiambo Otina
P.O. Box 30650

We will be more than pleased to hear from you.

Your's sincerely,

Kennedy O. Otina
For mydep.

Kenya Industrial Research & Development Institute
P.O. Box 30650, Nairobi
Fax: 254-2-607023

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