This is not the time to debate on such important issues but to act.
Studies and assessments are good. However, they should not block the
natural process of partnership in helping the poor and needy. Sharing
the world resources both the developed and developing countries will
prosper and it will help in reducing the knowledge gap. Increased supply
of ICTs to developing countries from developed countries will be an
appropriate approach towards solution to digital divide. This will
ensure better access to ICTs in poor countries.

For unconstrained diffusion of ICTs in developing countries, constraints
preventing wider diffusion of ICTs should be critically analyzed. These
constraints may vary from country to country and may be diverse in
nature. At present diffusion of information technologies in developing
countries is very poor and most of them are without information
technologies. On the other hand developed countries have IT to dispose
of. Information-rich affluent countries may donate information
technologies to information-poor countries, which may remove many
hurdles in bridging the digital divide. In many advanced countries PCs
are being decommissioned. These PCs are worth something to poorer

Dr. L. P. Rai,
National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies,(CSIR)
Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi-110 012, INDIA
Ph:(+91-11)5765380  Fax:(+91-11)5754640 

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